Rec finally getting released…

Good news for folks like me who avoided seeing Quarantine because they were hoping to see the Spanish original Rec. Sony will put the DVD out in July.

  • I have not seen Quarantine but I saw [rec] several months ago. It absolutely rules.

  • fish eye no miko

    I actually have [REC] on my hard drive, but I haven’t watched it yet… well, July’s still a way’s off, so I might get around to it before the official release…

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Cool! I have been putting off Quarantine until this came out, so I can do a nice compare and contrast.


  • BT

    REC was one of my most pleasant surprises last year. I think I spent a little time on the Jabootu board raving about it. It got pretty creepy at the end, and I don’t remember the last movie I saw that creeped me out. So that’s a good thing.