
Tim in the Cupid thread mentions Castle, a show I’ve been meaning to mention as an example of how lame so much TV continues to be.  The program definately illustrates the single most accurate show biz axiom…it’s all in the execution.  Castle has a potentially workable premise…a crime novelist hangs around with police to get inspiration for his books…and a star a lot of people are pulling for, Nathan Fillan of Firefly.

Yet the show just lays there.  The main problem, unsurprisingly, is the writing.  Castle (gasp) is assigned to a hot but uptight and hard as nails female detective, and she resents his presence but the sexual tension grows increasingly apparent blah blah blah.  Again, as cliche as this is, it could work in the right hands, but these ain’t them.  Watching the female cop constantly threaten the wise-ass but supposedly lovable Castle with bodily harm while occasionally tossing him romantically appraising glances is really, really dull and something we’ve seen a billion times before.  The woman playing the cop is, frankly, sort of a stiff, but it’s a measure of how uninspired the show is that Fillan doesn’t come across much better.  He’s a charming guy, but he just doesn’t have a lot to work with here.

Toss in Castle’s wacky mom and typically overly mature and sweet daughter and you end up resenting a show you want to root for.  It’s not even entertainly bad, because that would still mean it’s entertaining, which it isn’t.  Too bad.  I continue to hope that Fillan finds a successful gig, but he might just be one of those guys that never gets there.

  • Ericb

    The “hot” (personally I don’t find her that attractive) female detective seems awfuly young to have the senior status that she seems to have. She might be believable as the younger member of one of the Law & Order cop teams but here she just seems out of place. And shouldn’t it be a threesome? Shouldn’t she have a partner? I can’t imagine any police department sending a detective out with just a mystery writer as backup.

  • I agree, but really, the biggest problem is the lack of chemistry between the two, and the dull quality of the writing. The banter between the two should pop, like Nick and Nora Charles (or at least the Gilmore Girls). Instead, it just doesn’t. I’ve only seen pieces of two episodes, but this seemed the regular way of things:

    Castle: Smart ass remark.
    Cop: Angry, stick up ass reply.
    Castle: Charming remark.
    Cop: Slightly thawed reply.
    Castle: Vulnerable remark.
    Cop: Interested, reappraising glance.

    Again, I like Fillan, but Hepburn and Tracy they ain’t.

  • sardu

    Bummer. Fillian was so good on Firefly, one really does wish he could find a good vehicle to showcase his charm. Sounds like they were shooting for a Moonlighting vibe and failed utterly.

  • Chad R.

    I watched the first two episodes and was decidedly underwhelmed. Castle’s mom is just a recapitulation of Grace’s mom from Will and Grace. The junior detective Esposito has the most annoying delivery of some of the worst dialogue ever.

    I feel bad for Stana Katic, who plays Detective Kate Beckett. I found her extremely appealing as the French vampire Simone Renoir in the pleasantly silly TNT original movie The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice, but none of that is coming through these scripts.

  • Sandy Petersen

    well I thought Nathan was great in Slither but the moviegoing audience in general seems to disagree with me.