(Not movie related) Sometimes I hate government so much…

That’s some great journalism, by the way. A best case scenario for the Internet is to get stuff like this out there and start holding officials feet to the fire on this sort of crap.

  • Ericb

    OT: Have you heard about that new “Three Stooges” (it’s in quotes for a good reason) movie they are making?

  • Yes. Sean Penn seems a weird choice, but he has a lot of stooge experience from hanging out with Hugo Chavez.

  • Ericb

    Chavez would probably make a much better Curly than Jim Carrey.

  • jzimbert

    Jim… Carrey? I’d make a joke about Curly going “Woop, woop, woop” as he spins in his grave, but I’m too nauseous.

  • itsmenotyou

    Dori is my favorite talk show host, even though he is a little mush mouthed. How did you find a local Seattle guy Ken? He exposes local politician’s blunders daily. I guess the mayor now is going to try to dig up public funds for his sidewalk, or so is the rumor. Instead of finding a way to fix the code, they are going ahead with the sidewalk from bush to tree. Nice work Seattle!

  • I found the piece via a blog. (Blogs…is there anything they can’t do?) If this is an example of his work, I want to see more of it, and I want people in Chicago doing the same thing…although here it may be dangerous to one’s health.

    Man, you just feel so sorry for those people. And what a typically retarded ‘solution’ to the problem. Just give them a waiver, ass.

  • fish eye no miko

    On the one hand, I hate walking on the side of the road where there’s no sidewalks. So in my opinion, sidewalks = good. However, they should be well planned out (like, not run into bushes…), and, frankly, it seems like something the city, not property owners, should be taking care of.

  • KeithB

    I haven’t seen the linked pic, but I live in a 50-60 year old neighborhood that did not have sidewalks originally put in. However, sometimes, when people re-model, the city forces them to add a sidewalk. Therefore, you can get a patch work of sidewalk, no-sidewalk, which may indeed result in a sidewalk ending in a bush.

  • fish eye no miko

    @KeithB: Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I think the city should do it; so they can do a whole street at once and not have this piecemeal, random crap that doesn’t really address the problem of no sidewalks.

  • Ericb

    sometimes planners just don’t think. My Alma Mater SUNY Stony Brook had the original “Bridge to Nowhere.”

    “Bridge to Nowhere
    A relic of the 1960s campus building boom, the notorious “Bridge to Nowhere” was originally supposed to connect the Library with the Student Union. However, for reasons lost in the mists of time, construction was never completed and for years the raised walkway came to an abrupt and precipitous end. (Legend says contractors inverted the blueprint and built the structure wrong way round.) Eventually the Bridge was extended and rerouted across the Plaza, but it remained a rarely used eyesore. Few mourned its demolition in 2003.”