Monster of the Day #3408

Everyone heading home now. An afternoon and evening to embrace the solitude and catch up on sleep before going back to work tomorrow. Oh, well, it’ll be a short week, anyway, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner.

By the way, we totally need a movie with that title.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    It’s important to know that the new fold-out feature is on page 8. Historians have annotated it thus.

  • This reminds me, I finally watched Kiss of the Vampire, which oddly enough doesn’t have a single Vampire kissing. It’s fine Hammer fare, marred only by a strange plot divergence midway through the flick, and an ending that surely won the Guinness Book of World Records for number of bats-on-a-string seen in a film. Bats-on-a-string never fail to irritate me, but this scene was enough of a hoot to make me let it slide. Not Dracula by any standard, but reasonably fun.

  • Ken_Begg

    Famously, that was meant to be the ending of Brides of Dracula (also with no brides of Dracula), with Van Helsing evoking the bats to destroy the vampires. Peter Cushing refused though, arguing that the Christian Van Helsing would never use evil to fight evil.

  • Little surprise Cushing was on the money there. He tended to know his characters inside and out. He also managed to save Brides, as it does have the better end of the two as I recall.

  • Ken_Begg

    So “black magic bats killing vampires” was (I assume) Jimmy Sangster’s giant robot spider.