Monster of the Day #3495

Sandy wanted to watch something from his complete set of Al Adamson movies (seriously, that’s a thing, and might well be the most comprehensive blu ray set dedicated to any single director). To limit the damage I suggested Blood of the Horror Mons…wait…Monsters of the Blood Horr…no…Horror of the Blood Monsters? Yes, I think that’s it. Horror of the Blood Monsters.

It’s another Adamson Frankenstein job, where he took a Philippine caveman horror movie and added in (of course) scenes with John Carradine and some vampire footage. It was one of the better Adamson movies–yes, yes, I know–probably because he didn’t actually make most of it. And for one glorious scene cavemen were fighting crawfish men. More of that, please!

  • This was one I’d caught part of as a teen, probably on USA’s Up All Night (ask your parents) and had been trying to figure out the name for years. All I remembered was the long fanged Filipino vampires and that I hadn’t liked it enough to watch the whole thing when I came across it during the middle of the picture.

    Yesterday I fell down a many hour internet rabbit hole on Pre-Code movies and so only watched one movie, The Invisible Man, which I really had only seen clips of before, Though it was interesting that when they first introduce Kemp, you think he is going to be the hero and romantic lead, but he turns out to be such a sneaking, snivelling, coward that you are actually pretty gratified when Griffen sends him to his fiery death in a car made of explodium.

  • Kirk Draut

    Crawfish monsters… Right. My extended family would make short work of them. And it would be delicious.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I think the only Adamson movie I’ve seen was Dracula vs. Frankenstein.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Edward Nutcrackerhands

  • Rock Baker

    I reviewed this movie myself once. It provided so much material that I think it was one of my longest pieces.

  • Gamera977

    And oddly enough there’s now a action figure for the Zandor Vorkov Dracula and the puffy-faced monster. I think they’re limited production so get ’em now if you want ’em!