I’m not dead, Part 147…

Sorry, folks, it’s B-Fest this weekend, and I’ve been kept lively getting ready.  Small group this year, but I still did my normal WAY too much shopping (albeit less than usual), as well as trying to make a hole in my trailer for my friend Jeff to sleep.  I have so much crap piled up everywhere that it’s impossible to do one thing without jiggering ten piles first.  I feel like Marley’s Ghost and sometimes nearly weep.

One thing I have is a ton of old movie magazines:  Cinefanfastique, Cult Movies, Cinescape, Psychotronic, Video Watchdog, G-Fan (Godzilla), etc.  Hell, I have old issues of FOOM.  I might try to sell them–even a dollar a shot is better than nothing–but I also might just get to the point where I offer them up to anyone who wants them and will pay for shipping. We’ll see.

I am about ready to just junk the literally hundreds of old video tapes I have laying around. I clearly am never going to get them converted to DVD.  Then there’s the 15 or more boxes of generally worthless comics, the large number of unopened X-Plus Godzilla statues, etc.


Anyway, everyone should be on their way home sometime Sunday, then I sleep the sleep of the dead, then Monday or Tuesday get my B-Fest Diary up, and then start blogging again.  It would be nice to finish Sandy’s Iron Man discussion, for instance.

Keep the faith, people, and thanks.

  • Pip

    Ken, what you need is a bossy person to come over, order you out to the stoop, and then to just throw that stuff away and not listen to any complaining. Find such a person. Be such a person.

  • You’d be speaking of my brother, but I’m not quite ready for the nuclear option yet. Getting there, though.

  • Sandy Petersen

    Ken, you have two choices here.

    1) go on e-bay. List “hundreds of VHS tapes as-is” and “15 boses of old comics” separately, and sell to the highest bidder. Charge $100 for shipping so you’r not out money. Presto – your junk is someone else’s problem.

    2) make a giant bonfire. Dance naked widdershins around the vestiges of your past as they burn.

  • Mr. Rational

    Or, if you’re actually serious, you can always forgo eBay and just send the VHS tapes to one of your loyal readers. Not that I have anybody partic…okay, yes I do. I have plenty of room, and I’d be willing to pay.

  • I’d be willing to do that, but obviously I couldn’t check them all to see if they still work. Still, there are some cherce titles in there. I’ll inventory some of them next week and see if anyone wants them. All I’d want is shipping, although bonus points to anyone who could burn me copies on disc of the odd title here or there.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Man, I used to read Cinefantastique like crazy. If you do decide to sell those, I would love to be able to make an offer.

  • Cinefanfastique was a GREAT magazine. When they briefly tried to revamp it as a Starlog knock-off it was horrifying. I have loads of issues, not nearly a complete run, but several dozen, I’m sure. However, they’re scattered all over and I have to get them together to see what I’ve got. Don’t worry, I think I still have the issue that had 50 pages of coverage on Judge Dredd.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    I’d be interested in the G-Fans if you got rid of them. My collection got ruined years ago by a leaking pipe in the basement of a place I was living at the time. MAN did that piss me off.

    Looking forward to the Diary, so I can be all depressed about missing it again.

    I’m sick that way.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Yeah, CFQ was wonderful even if they had no eye for what would be popular. There was a long run in the 80’s when, if CFQ had your film as a cover story, that was almost a guarantee that it would tank at the box office.

    But nobody did more thorough coverage than they so, yeah, if you REALLY had a burning need to know about Judge Dredd or Lifeforce or Mars Attacks, they were the go-to guys.

  • fish eye no miko

    I’d be willing to take a chance on the VHS tapes if you have some really cool stuff and only charged a little bit for them.

  • Sandy Petersen

    Ken has dredged up old demons for me. For perhaps 20 years I and my stalwart sons have been fans of Judge Dredd. It was a dark day when the movie came out.

    We all went to see it in our Sunday best (so to speak). All excited and happy. We stayed happy, exulting in the imagery of Megacity One clear up until Mr. Schneider showed up.

  • Dear Mr. Begg:

    First and foremost, my apologies for this comment. I may be somewhat off-topic here, but unfortunately I didn’t find any recent post to ask about it. I would like to know if is there any possibility of you revewing any episode of the “Challenge of the Superfriends” cartoon.

    Your reviews about it made me laugh every time I read them, and it would be a pity to see them end so next to the final line!


    Ivan Linares, from Recife (Brazil)

  • Sandy Petersen

    what a monster you are, trying to guilt-trip Ken into watching thd Superfriends morass of horror. I know he still has nightmares about seeing the Hall of Doom (or whatever it’s called) rise from that spooky swamp.

    I also know for a fact that he has a cheesecake poster of Giganta on his bedroom ceiling.

  • Pip

    Brazilians welcome!

  • It’s true, it’s a life-sized upskirt shot splayed across the ceiling over my bed. Or maybe it’s Allison Hayes.

    Superfriends will be back. I think there are half a dozen episode left, so they might be killed off by the end of the year.

  • Reed

    Killed off by the end of the year? The Legion of Doom says that every year, and look how well it works out!

    As for Giganta… Let me be the first to say, “Sandy, please don’t tell us why you were looking at the ceiling above Ken’s bed. Please.”

  • Sandy Petersen

    ARGHH! busted.

  • Thank you for the welcome! And for the answer!

    I came to this site when it was still the “Jabootu.com”, when the “Altavista” search engine pointed it while I was searching for information about “Highlander 2”. I hated that movie and wanted to know details about what made it what it was!

    You also killed my illusions about movies I liked before, like “Star Trek V” and “Bad Girls”. I’ll never watch them the same way again! Damn! 8^)