Yes, that’s EXACTLY who I’d pick to direct…

“Columbia Pictures won an auction late Thursday for screen rights to Isaac Asimov’s ground breaking science fiction trilogy Foundation, reports Variety. The film will be developed as a possible directing vehicle for Roland Emmerich…”

  • I can’t wait. (Decides to add vodka to his coffee this morning instead of cream and sugar.)

  • Blackadder

    Some books are just unfilmable – Atlas Shrugged comes instantly to mind. The original Foundation trilogy, Asimov’s masterpiece and indeed one of the masterpieces of “old school” science fiction, is another one. These are novels of pure ideas – the characters are interchangable and all of the action takes place offstage. Even Asimov himself could never really do the triology justice again; the sequels and prequels he wrote are all lousy and make the grievous error of conflating the Foundation with Asimov’s much lesser robot books. In principle a movie – or better yet, a television miniseries comprising all three books – could be cool, especially if the director made the artistic decision to go for a “retro 1950’s futuristic” look for the ships, clothes, and ray guns. In fact, though, it would just be a hollow shell like the beautiful-looking miniseries adaptation of Dune (another unfilmable book). I certainly hope the deal falls through and the studio lets the option lapse. It’s bad enough a movie of Watchmen was made without besmirching Asimov’s masterpiece as well.

  • Joe11

    Was Michael Bay not available? (HA!)

  • Sandy Petersen

    I’m kind of looking forward to seeing Hari Seldon tool around in a powered exoskeleton.

  • silverwheel

    Maybe this will play on a double bill with a McG-directed adaptation of Rendezvous With Rama.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Will Smith as Hari Seldon.

    Seriously, they’ll just do what they did with “I Robot”–take the name and give Asimov the “Suggested by a book title by” credit. (Disclosure: haven’t seen “I Robot.”)

  • I am waiting for Albert Pyun and Uwe Boll to collaborate on the film version of Finnegan’s Wake.

  • Anders S

    Sadly, Michael Bay couldn’t direct this since he is already busy adapting “War and Peace” to the screen.