Monster of the Day #3416

The real Monster of the Day?  Mondays. Ugh.

Hard to believe, but we’re only two weeks from 4th of July. In other words, we’re nearly into the second half of 2023 already. Yikes.

Brief anime note (feel free to skip), but we’re also only about two weeks from the second season of Mushoku Tensei (aka Jobless Reincarnation), probably the single finest fantasy anime. (Many would vote, deservedly, for Re:Zero, admittedly.) It’s *really* good. There’s about 24 episodes, I think, so you could definitely catch-up before the new season starts. One of the best things I’ve seen in the last several years in any medium. I think it’s on Hulu, and it’s definitely on Crunchyroll.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    This is the same guy Aqua fought in one of their videos.

  • Rock Baker

    Okay, the skeletons would not’ve have been as strong a bait for me as for others, but THIS! THIS I would’ve scooped off the rack and probably have bought a second copy just in case something happened to the first!

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, I’d plunk down my two bits for a cyclops hexapus any day!!!

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, the year is almost half over. I remember as a kid my parents grousing every Christmas ‘it seems like it was just Christmas last week!’ And as a kid I was like- ‘Whaaaattttttt Christmas was forever ago!’ And now the years just fly by. Yes, I’m turning into my parents, and yah know? It ain’t all that bad a thing…

    I know I’m getting old… Last week I had to activate a new credit card. And when the lady asked for the expiration date I said without thinking- nineteen….. oh.. um TWO-THOUSAND twenty-seven…….