Monster of the Day #3407

It looks like a far better musical than Satan’s Alley, anyway.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    The odd thing about this cover is what isn’t there. Story titles, issue numbers, or price.

  • KeithB

    Other than the two obvious impediments, can’t she just lift the rope over her head?

  • You wanna hear something great? I had to look up the Satan’s Alley bit to get the reference. That means the scars are healing. They’re finally healing.


    But I feel much better now.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Don’t worry, lady. He’s just going to take a little off the top — of your shoulders.

  • Gamera977

    Well, not sure if it’s stupid or not but over the weekend I was watching some YouTube videos on the Xenomorphs from ‘Alien’.

    And now I’m wondering what would happen if a facehugger attacked a Ro-Man…

    Is Ro-Man a robot? They look fleshy to me. Do they always wear the diving helmet? Do they have DNA?

    If the first two questions are a no and the last is a yes could an infested Ro-Man give birth to a Ro-Man Xenomorph? And since the Xenomorph borrows about 10-30% of the DNA of the host (yeah, yeah, stupid science but that’s what the franchise says) would it be a large furry Alien????

  • Eric Hinkle

    For today’s dose of ‘you can’t make this up’, I just learned that Nazi Germany had a small population of black African movie actors who got steady work through the Third Reich. People like Louis Brody. Check Wikipedia if you don’t believe me.

    Does that revelation sound odd to anyone else?

  • Ken_Begg

    Oh. Well, this is awkward. Bad time to have scheduled our first repeat Watch Party subject this Friday, then. Huh.

  • Gamera977

    Sorry guys, I have a dentist appointment.

    Yeah, at nine o’ clock at night….

  • It could be worse. I’m sure I can think of how sometime in the future.

  • Man, those are the worst.

  • Ken_Begg

    You’re just taking the coward’s way out!

    (Even if your dentist is Laurence Olivier.*)

    (*That’s still a topical reference, right? The kids still use it?)

  • Ken_Begg

    I assume it was so they could contrast the ‘barbaric’ blacks with the pure, superior Aryans? Like when the Germans kicked Jesse Owens at the Olympics? Remember that?

    Check out Leni Riefenstahl’s later photography of actual African tribes. Can’t imagine Der Fuhrer would have been overly pleased. Man, though, that woman had a super crazy life. Or like four of them.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Actually, the specific Nazi film I was thinking of, Uncle Kruger, was about the evils of British imperialism in South Africa against the noble Boer and their plucky and trustworthy (until the Anglicans brainwash them) black allies/subjects. The book shows a scene where Anglican missionaries are handing out guns to the black tribesmen and commanding them to go and kill the Boers for God or something like that.

    Another scene truly blew my mind — one about the evils of concentration camps. Seriously, a movie made in Nazi Germany had a scene in one movie where they condemned confining innocent people in concentration camps. Did no one involved in this movie have even an instant of self-awareness about this?

    I was almost as surprised to learn that Nazi Germany also made quite a few comedies. Most were apparently about how Germans all needed to return to the Greater Reich and give up those decadent foreign customs and they’d live happily ever after. A perverse part of me wants to watch a comedy made in Hitler’s Germany. Just to see what a ‘politically approved’ version of the Bowery Boys or Abbott & Costello looked like.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    OK, I’ll be the Dumb One. I don’t remember a watch party entry called “Satan’s Alley,” Amazon video has never heard of it, and the most the web can tell me is that it was a trailer in “Tropic Thunder.”

  • Staying Alive, with John Travolta, ends with a performance of Satan’s Alley. It is the highlight of the film, which ain’t saying much.

  • Ken_Begg

    Hitler loved movies and adored Laurel & Hardy (!!). The Boys were offered unlimited funds to make a movie if they come to Germany to do so. Wisely, I think we’ll all agree, they refused.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yeah, it’s the (supposedly) Dante-themed musical that ends the movie.

  • The Rev.

    Boy, it sure was a shame I missed that movie night. Mmmyep. Totally heartbroken. Like I was to sleep through half of Candy. I’m just inconsolable.

    (Did I lay it on too thick there?)

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Thanks Cullen and Ken. I did attend that watch party, and boy was I happy to have alcohol on hand. I didn’t remember the dance routine name, but alas, I remember too much of the rest of it. A grim reminder that the 80’s weren’t always that great.

  • Gamera977

    Better a live coward than a live hero Ken!!!!

  • I rather like the Hollywood in Toto website for movie reviews, and they have one columnist, Barry Wurst, who covers older stuff, rather than new releases. Two days ago he spent a review defending Staying Alive as “kinetic and highly entertaining”. He is wrong.