Monster of the Day #3280

Ah, October is here and it’s Halloween time. Watch Party on Friday, we’ll have to do a horror movie, obviously. I hope everyone had a terrific weekend.

I went with my sister and niece to Goebertt’s Pumpkin Farm, which has pig racing and animal petting/feeding areas and lots of food (we stopped for breakfast first, so aside from a container of apple sorbet and some a couple of cider doughnuts and cider to take home, I didn’t indulge as much as I’d have liked.) Lots of people with little kids, which was very fun. I was also rocking a Beistle black jack o’ lantern sweater which got several compliments. So it was a good day. I didn’t go on a hay ride like above, though.

  • Who would go out for a coach ride in the rain without an umbrella or at least a hat?

  • Gamera977

    Worst Uber driver evah!!!

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    But we didn’t have the salmon

  • Gamera977

    We battened down the hatches for the aftermath of hurricane Ian but thankfully the storm we only got a moderate amount of rain and wind. Not complaining a bit though!!!

    Watched a bunch of Raymond Castille’s Basement of Horror YouTube Channel. He’s got an impressive collection of monster toys and wacky Halloween masks and other items. Worth checking out if you like that sort of thing.

    On the movie front watched ‘The Legend of Boggy Creek’ which is impressive in being a Sasquatch movie that doesn’t suck! I mean it’s not ‘Citizen Kane’ or anything but it’s a decent film. I liked that the monster instead of being a ravening brute or an innocent happy victim he’s just curious but harmless until a panicked teenage kid shoots him and then he turns belligerent.

    And I’d looked around for some old Aurora monster figure kits to paint. But they’re selling for eighty bucks or more now on Ebay! I did find some awesome recent 3D printed figures of Sadako from ‘Ringu’ though, one of her crawling out of a TV and the other of her crawling out of the well that I picked up. Just got them this weekend. Wish I could post a link, they’re pretty friggin’ cool and as creepy as hell.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Glad to hear that you missed the hurricane.

    And I agree about ‘Boggy Creek’. If you ever want to read about the making of the movie, the local-to-Fouke fallout from it, and a whole lot more, check out Lyle Blackburn’s book Beast of Boggy Creek. It’s a great book though Charles Pierce doesn’t come off too well in it when it comes to some of his dealings with the Fouke locals.

  • Gamera977

    Thanks for the recommendation! There’s a great documentary on the Fouke Monster and the movie on YouTube.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’ll look for it, thanks!