Monster of the Day #3264

OK, even I’m not sure this strictly constitutes a monster, but…..  C’mon.

This made me think of that period when every third DC Comics cover featured a gorilla because they ALWAYS sold better.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I think this gorilla has characteristics that are much more notable than the “Whispering” he might do.

  • Gamera977

    And that’s why I had to stop going to the opera….

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Like ugly onna ape /festus

  • Are we sure that’s not Lancelot Biggs?

  • NathanShumate

    Gorilla doing cute things = Awww.
    Gorilla doing aggressive things = monster.

  • That gorilla’s going to toss that dude to his death in rage, but he’s not angry with the dude. He’s angry with himself. He meant to grab a chick and snagged the wrong wrist. One thing lead to another and he ends up here, where he always dreamed, only without the Fay Wray he always longed for. Sad, really.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Made it Ma. Top of the . . . what is this? A canopy, marquee, awning?

  • zombiewhacker

    See, I have a completely different take on this. If you look closely, you’ll note that the gorilla is attired in white tie and tails while his, um, companion suspended above him is wearing a red tie with a green suit. What I infer from this is that the gala being attended has a very strict dress code and the gorilla is merely enforcing said guidelines accordingly.

  • casey01

    I was also intrigued by Lancelot Biggs: Master Navigator. Although, “Master Navigator” sounds like something an ’80’s-era sitcom wife would sarcastically call her husband when he got lost because he wouldn’t ask for directions. Those fellas, amirite?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Actually, I think he’s holding a mannikin. It’s modelling the “Drunk Out of Your Skull, But Boy Are You Stylish” collection.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    The guy made the mistake of cracking wise “Nice monkey suit”.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’ve actually read this story and its sequel. The Whispering Gorilla is (was?) a reporter who gets killed by mobsters but not before the resident mad scientist transplants his brain into a gorilla, because Science. The mad scientist also operates on his throat and vocal cords so he can speak, but only in a rough whisper. The Whispering Gorilla then vows revenge on the gangsters, as well as to save his girlfriend.

    At this point almost any other story would have the Whispering Gorilla go slouching through the streets, strangling his killers, before it all ends with him killing the mob boss and saving his lady-love at the cost of his own life. Not here. The Whispering Gorilla gets a suit and goes back to his old job at the newspaper. He pretends to everyone that he’s wearing a well-made gorilla costume for some reason, and they all fall for it. He investigates the mobsters, with a few fight scenes along the way, and catches them in the end. He also learns that his mind is going gorilla along with his body. So after catching the crooks he and the mad scientist go to Africa to try and save his mind.

    It strike me that the above would have made a great origin for a Golden Age superhero: ‘The Whispering Gorilla — Scourge of the Underworld!’ Heck, in his second and last novel he fights a Nazi plan to launch a fleet of U-boats on African lakes, crewed by Nazi gorillas with human brains! Maybe someone read that real-life story about the Soviet scientist who tried to create a race of Gorilla Men for Stalin?

  • Eric Hinkle

    Oh, my mistake. I read up on the book and it says that in the first story the crusading reporter Steve Carpenter comes back, he does so as ‘the Whispering Gorilla’, reporting on corruption and lawlessness in his fair city. And he’s wearing a gorilla suit to hide his true identity to protect his loved ones. So you have a man, turned into a gorilla, pretending to be a man in a gorilla costume.

    Also, in the second book, we don’t get ‘Nazi gorillas with human brains’, sadly. Instead the Nazis are trying to train gorillas to man U-boats to sink Allied ships. And they do so in the jungle, with mock destroyers, merchantmen, and U-boats rolling around on wheels. So it’s not as bizarre as it could be, I guess?