Monster of the Day #3237

Amazon Prime still has the glorious, highly ’80s misfire Lifeforce. How long will it be there? Who knows. Well worth a look, though.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I love “Lifeforce” just because it’s so over-the-top and never stops moving. However, I only love the theatrical version. The “director’s cut,” like so many “director’s cuts” only bloats and slows down the beast. There was a nice blue ray version a few years ago that had both. I’ve never played the “director’s cut” more than once.

  • KeithB

    How could you not show the *other* monster? Hubba, hubba.

  • The Rev.

    You know, I still haven’t seen this. But if it’s on Prime then I need to finally rectify that.

  • Especially since you get to see Patrick Stewart explode!

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    So unusual to see such an extended nude scene in a regular film and it does not seem gratuitous as you accept the idea that “well yeah, she is an alien”. It is exploitive of course and they get away with it.

  • This is one of the few times a movie is better than it’s source novel. An entertaining flick, I’ve never understood the hate for it. The Director’s cut is awesome, and is the one on Prime if I recall right.

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, it was the ’80s, when every action movie had a scene in a strip cub. But Matilda May…wow!

  • Gamera977

    So was May or Lorena Velazquez the hotter alien space vampress???? ;)

  • kgb_san_diego

    Ooooooohhhh…. You really can’t go wrong there!