Monster of the Day #3431

Warning: Woman in Red Dress might not actually be in this movie.

Also, I know she looks pretty nonchalant. However, you know, she’s used to dating Italian guys, so…..

Have a great weekend, everyone. Watch something stupid. Watch Party next Friday.

  • Gamera977

    Kumi Mizuno was hotter than the lady in red…

    I might just watch ‘Matango’ this weekend.

    And I’ve got a weird hankering to watch ‘Monster A-Go-Go’. They don’t get much stupider than that. Personally I think it’s waaaaaaaay worse than ‘Plan 9’, that movie at least has a plot, not a good one but it has one. I think I’d rate ‘A-Go-Go’ as honestly worse even than ‘Manos: The Hands of Fate’. At least ‘Manos’ was a friggin’ complete movie not a pieced together Frankenstein monster of a film.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    “Matango” is worth seeing, especially if you can find a good print. There’s a real sense of eeriness to it.

    I watched “Barbarella” last night, which looks great but is very stupid. Before that I watched “Six-String Samurai,” which looks great, is very stupid, but is a lot of fun. Ditto “At the Earth’s Core,” which has Peter Cushing’s great line, “You can’t mesmerize me, I’m British!” Before that, “Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man” which has “routine programmer” written all over it.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah ‘Matango’ is a great film. First time I watched it I was expecting some silly film about people running around in mushroom costumes. But it was weird, I think as you put it eerie might be the right word. It honestly freaked me out a little.

    Good choices in movies. I unabashedly love ‘Six-String Samurai’. It’s just such a weird deranged movie. I based a D&D bard on Buddy once. The music is awesome, very catchy, I’ve caught myself humming some of the tunes weeks after watching it. And some great quotes come from the film.

    Random guy: ‘If I were you I’d run!’

    Buddy: ‘If you were me you’d be better looking…’

    Guy in bar gets in Buddy’s face: ‘DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?!’

    ‘No’ (Buddy punches guy in face and just keeps walking)

  • Eric Hinkle

    I second the worthiness of Matango. What a creepy film.

    Oh, and if anyone wants to go and look, YouTube has a trailer up now for a Thai kaiju flick titled The Lake (2022). It looks pretty good.

  • Eric Hinkle

    One more thing! I know there are some Dr. Who fans here. Has anyone else heard the rumor that Disney is trying to get Who and make him theirs? I wonder how the Whovians will react if it’s true?

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    eek, a mouse!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Well, Disney is currently destroying everything it touches…but the BBC have been doing that with Doctor Who for a couple of years now…

  • No longer any skin off my nose. I pretty much gave up halfway through Capaldi’s first season (and I *really* wanted to like him) and Chibnall taking over as showrunner killed it for me even checking in on it. My headcannon ends with 13 dying on Trenzalore, everything about the new unlimited regenerations bullshit was a dying hallucination.

    I was always more of a Classic Who person anyway, although I did really like the run with Matt Smith until the Ponds left.

    Disney can suck it. But they really can’t make it more of an abomination than it already is.

  • Gamera977

    From what I heard they only want the rights to stream it on the Disney Channel. Though if they tried to buy it wouldn’t surprise me at all. But as you guys said the BBC has already pretty much burnt that property down.