Monster of the Day #3422

Reginald was relieved. The Magic Mirror worked, and proved Cynthia wouldn’t get fat like her mother.

Happy Friday, everyone! Watch something stupid this weekend.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Here’s one reason so many marriages fail. “You KNEW I was a skeleton when you married me!”

  • Another fake cover. That bride is clearly not burning. Unless the groom is planning on burning her at the wedding. Then nevermind.

  • Larry Storch, the original Ghostbuster died today. That guy could sure use them right now.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Who says I’m dead?

  • Gamera977

    Well, she does have really good teeth.

    Reminds of a neat ’30s vampire story where vampires DO show up in mirrors but it shows them as they really are. AKA: the recently dead vampress might appear an young beautiful woman but in a mirror she appears as her true form as a recently dead corpse. The ancient vampire master appears in the mirror as a walking skeleton.

  • Eric Hinkle

    That reminds me of the filmed version of Stephen King’s ‘The Night Flyer’ that played with the vampire reflection thing even more. Other people couldn’t see the vampire in the mirror and he looked more inhuman that Orlock. But whenever he saw his own reflection, he saw the living man he once was and he couldn’t stand it.