Monster of the Day #3420 Updated on July 6, 2022 By Ken Begg 5 Comments Aka The Return of Jimmy Hoffa. Love this period, where skeletons were as common on DC Comics covers as gorilla. Tweet Pin It Related PostsMonster of the Day #3688 (Mar 20, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #8 (Mar 18, 2025) Monster of the Day #3687 (Mar 12, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #5 (Mar 10, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #3 (Mar 6, 2025) By Ken Begg Beckoning Chasm “Hold still, there’s a spider in your hair!” Cullen Waters MISLEADING TITLE! THAT PHANTOM IS CLEARLY COMING OUT OF A SANDY GRAVE! AND MY CAPS LOCK IS BROKE, BY THE WAY! 🐻 bgbear_rnh Acme Hardhat Company adds new disclaimer to the product literature. Eric Hinkle ‘The Return of Jimmy Hoffa’ — what, they’re working in the New Jersey swamps? And it looks like Mr. Hoffa is still recruiting for the Teamsters – ‘Join or die, meatbag!’ Gamera977 The guys in the background are like ‘Damn Todd, what now!?!?!’