Monster of the Day #3415

The reason we held this year’s edition of T(ween) Fest in the summer, instead of the spring, was that Arthur Petersen and his wife and daughters–who used to live in Dallas but years ago relocated to Utah–were able to visit at the same time. So there were hordes of grandkids around. To entertain them, we showed the Japanese superhero movie Golden Bat. It’s always super fun to see a room full of little kids absolutely mesmerized by a Japanese language film (they were too young to read the subtitles) because it wasn’t really the sort of movie where the dialogue mattered that much.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Cyborg Mickey Mouse declares, “Freedom is irrelevant. Character integrity is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.”

  • The Rev.

    Scott Foy hyped this movie up on his sadly defunct podcast years ago, and when I finally saw it at a previous Fest it lived up to the hype. Highly recommended if you haven’t seen it, especially if you like things like “Prince of Space” and “Evil Brain From Outer Space.” I can easily see kids being mesmerized by it. (Hopefully he’s already shown them “Ship of Monsters.” Because, really, everyone should see “Ship of Monsters.”)

  • Gamera977

    If this movie doesn’t amuse you, you’re unable to be amused. It’s truly batguano insane.

    Yeah, and ‘Ship of Monsters’ is about as equally insane, maybe a little bit more.

  • Eric Hinkle

    ‘Golden Bat’ is a delight but nothing can touch ‘Ship of Monsters’ for pure insanity.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    thufferin thucatash, look at the thize of that mouth

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I bailed on the watch party and watched this instead. There is (or was) a very nice print on YouTube. No subtitles, but no worries, it was all very understandable. If Saturday morning cartoons were filled with things like this, how would our childhoods be charmed.

  • I finished the watch party movie and now have an overpowering urge to buy Ghosthouse. How does that work?