Monster of the Day #3366

My old friend Jeff, who like the Rev came in for a whole week (although again, the Rev attended the actual B-Fest this same weekend), oddly contributed 1971’s The Vampire Happening. I assume he found this on Amazon Prime, because this is an obscure one. It’s a German vampire comedy (uh uh) that basically is their attempt at doing The Fearless Vampire Killers. Both films even cast Ferdy Mayne as the head vampire. It’s a bit long, but weirdly, while I can’t say it’s particularly good, I never was bored or impatient with it. And that’s after watching 12 hours or whatever of other movies already, including Heartbeeps. I watched it, it was over, and it was fine. It probably helps that Polanski’s FVK is not a very good movie, so it’s not like they set themselves a high bar to get over. As a plus or a minus, depending on your tastes, the film is chock full of ’70s Euro nudity. Ah, the days of natural breasts.

  • I’d stake my reputation on this movie sucking in some fashion. Don’t be cross with me. It’s not so grave a claim, so it shouldn’t drive you batty.

  • I don’t wanna sound vein, but that last post made me giggle into a coffin fit.

    I can do this all day. And night.

  • ” It probably helps that Polanski’s FVK is not a very good movie, so it’s not like they set themselves a high bar to get over. ”

    How did exactly did critics like Leonard Maltin and others end up giving it a glowing review?

  • I tried TVH a couple months ago when it first turned up on Amazon. Gonna be honest, I was so bored that noting was happening 30 minutes in that I didn’t finish it. Actually that was my response both times I tried to get through FVK too, so there may be a connection.

  • Drugs. It was the 60s after all.

  • Ken_Begg

    Because there were wrong? Also, I don’t know if Maltin is anyone’s go to critic. I mean, if you like it, fine. It’s just not very good, though.

  • Gamera977

    Well, I watched it last night. And now I know why the Germans are known for good beer and fine engineering but not sex comedies…