Monster of the Day #3362

So..Chad and Chad (the Rev) attended real B-Fest. The rest of us had decided to do another “Basement Fest” the following weekend. However, Paul and Holly (old friends of mine and our hosts, as their house boasts a fabulous screening room with huge leather recliners) got a request from Julie and Tim. Holly and I knew Julie in high school, and she and Tim were fellow long-time B-Fest attendees. They didn’t want to deal with the stuff at the actual event either, and asked if we could do a discrete basement fest with them and their friends, along long-time attendees. So we did. This first Julie and Tim Fest was held the same weekend as B-Fest

Anyway, Julie repaid us all by kicking in the balls with Heartbeeps, the atrocious Andy Kaufman / Bernadette Peters robot romantic comedy. For for the love of Pete, Julie? Why? Her friend Mark saved the day, however, by next showing the rather more pleasing Samson vs the Vampire Woman. (Holly can’t read subtitles due to poor vision, so all the movies both weekends had to be in English.)

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Yeah, Heartbeeps was at one of the B-Fests I attended. It was definitely a “why did the film-makers do this” type of film.

  • The Rev.

    Hearbeeps is one of those movies I manage to keep avoiding seeing, like something else they showed at this fest which I won’t spoil. I hope it always stays that way, from the way people talk about it.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I don’t know if anyone else has heard this yet, but Akira Takarada just died.

    Sayonara, Takarada-sama, and thanks for the memories.

  • thunderclancat

    Heartbeeps is rather bad, to put it mildly. Appearing on Letterman, Kaufman actually apologized for Heartbeeps, and jokingly offered to refund the money people spent on tickets . To which Letterman quipped that to do so, he’d better have change for a $20. Apparently, Sigourney Weaver wanted to b3 in the film, but her agent talked her out of it.