Monster of the Day #3354

OK, I’m more or less recovered from having guests in (in various and ever changing amounts) for 12 days straight, two 24 hour events on back to back weekends, having my sleep schedule, such as it is, heavily disrupted, and then having to return to waking up at 3:30 AM when I returned to work last week.

There were actually three 24 hour events on back to back weekends. However, as a political crank I was boycotting going anywhere during the months when Cook County had a vaccine card mandate, where you had to show your papers to go into any public venue. Of course these dropped literally the day after the last person left, so not great timing there. I had in any case never missed a B-Fest before, so I’m a little cheesed. Rev and Chad R attended, though. We’ll see if they want to give commentary on the films.

The first B-Fest film was the sleazy schlock classic The Brain that Wouldn’t Die. No intro needed here, I’m sure.

  • That flick headed off in strange directions.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Welcome back.

  • wk

    As someone who wishes my own local county would have done more in terms of requiring proof of vaccination, I’m saddened to see you express this attitude. Been reading these Monster of the Day updates for years, but don’t think I’ll be doing that anymore.

  • Wow. We’ve lost wk. A person who has been following these updates for years, yet never once bothered to comment in all that time. What will the community do without wk’s presence, I wonder? I hope it isn’t a descent into sarcastic comments about people flouncing away from the site just because of one opinion they didn’t like. I’d just hate to see that happen.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Thanks, for a second there I thought I somehow missed noticing a long time beloved commentator. Gone before I got to know him.

    Jabootu has hit the big time to get these type of drive by comments.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Don’t worry, we still have the other 24 letters.

  • Gamera977

    Well, Ken wore a fez on his videos with Sandy.

    Vlad the Impaler wore a fez.


  • Gamera977

    Don’t blame you. I went to a car show Sat. and was so worn out that despite the beautiful weather I spent yesterday just lounging around the house. Two friggin’ weeks I’d be knocked out for a month…

  • Rock Baker

    Would Jan really be a monster, though? Wouldn’t she more be considered the victim of the story?

  • Ken_Begg

    WK, we hardly knew ye.

  • If I hadn’t been in the Bahamas instead I’d have boycotted it with you as a fellow crank. As it is, I, um, boycotted it spiritually?

  • Concern troll is concerned. Got it.

  • thunderclancat

    Stop, don’t, come back.

    Well, I did all I could.

  • Ken_Begg

    It’s worse if you take this fellow seriously, which of course you can’t. When did our culture get so mean and stupid? One reason there’s more push back from people our age is that we remember–like back five whole years ago–when it wasn’t felt you had to die on every single frickin’ hill. Fandom is meant to bring people together, to remind us that the things we all love are more important than our disagreements. I sincerely hope wk grows up someday and looks to build bridges with people rather than burn them. Sorry for the soap box.

  • Way back in my college days (if you can count two classes in two semesters college days) I took a course on persuasive essay writing. One of the things I was taught was to present both sides of an issue to make your point. To attempt to convince others that one point is wrong and the other right. Quoting sources, not making one side good or evil, the whole shebang. Doing so, you had to make the effort in understanding the other side, as presumably you wanted to convince them, too.

    These days all you get is “YOU’RE A POOPY HEAD I’M NEVER GOING TO TALK TO YOU AGAIN!” If the writer’s clever that day.

    I think what irritates me the most is that the whole thing is so pointless. What’s been accomplished? Has wk moved anyone towards vaccinated passports being a vital and necessary thing? Of course not. The post wk made amounts to a fart in a windstorm. There isn’t even the threat of revenue lost as this is a free site.

    If there is a bright side to this ever so sad departure is that I’ve gotten to practice my writing skills a little more. Of course “bright side” depends on how much people can stand my bloviating.

  • The Rev.

    “Hardly?” Man, I’m surprised you have that much memory of them. Impressive recall, Ken!

  • wk

    I’m 40, thanks for assuming I’m a young’un. Glad to see the response from everyone here mocking me and presuming I’m a troll, confirms I made the right decision to stop visiting.