Monster of the Day #3353

The Slime People. Coming to an Amazon Watch party near you soon. I mean…c’mon, of course it is.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    This will eventually evolve into Baron Harkonnen.

  • Won’t take much…..

  • Rock Baker

    I thought this one was better than it’s reputation. Solid concept, some impressive monster costumes, etc.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, pretty nifty monster suits and some interesting ideas! But the pacing of the movie almost put me to sleep. I’m hoping the quipping in a watch party would make the film a lot more entertaining.

  • Gamera977

    And oh BTW with the Fu Manchu movies I picked up ‘Santo: El Enmascarado De Plata’, aka ‘Santo: The Silver Masked’. Eight El Santo movies in a special set! Haven’t looked at them yet but it’s Blu-Ray so I assume they’re cleaned up. Only drawback is they are all English dubbed- I’d love to have them in Spanish with English subtitles but you can’t have everything.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Wow! Pity that set can’t be found in DVD.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Yeah, that’s what I remember most–everything just dragged, strange considering the movie is only about an hour or so long.

  • Gamera977

    Sorry about that.

    Watched a little over the weekend and the cleaned-up versions look amazing!

    My favorite part of the first one, ‘Santo in the Wax Museum’, was the two bad guys that decide to fight Santo hand-to-hand. If I see someone that looks like a wrestler coming at me I’m going to either shoot him or run away- not get into melee with him!!!

  • Eric Hinkle

    Hey, it’s not your fault.

    I will never cease to wonder why the Santo series doesn’t get more attention from DVD makers, given how popular it was on both sides of the border for so long. Sometimes I wonder if it’s just plain snobbery.

  • Gamera977

    True! I’ve got a couple of Mexican movies on DVD including the one Ken put in the watch party. But these are the first El Santo films I’ve bought. And I really do wish the Spanish language versions were on the Blu-Ray as well.

  • KeithB

    FYI, The Movies! channel is running Nosferatu this weekend in honor of its 100th anniversary.

  • Gamera977

    Well, I had to have my fix so it was either crystal meth or ‘The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf’.

    I think I may have made the wrong choice…

    ‘The Howling II’ starts off promising with Christopher Lee reading from the Bible. After that it’s straight downhill.

    My favorite part was the hunting scene. Lee, Reb Brown, and three bland extras being hunted by a dozen or so werewolves. And the werewolves manage to kill ONE EXTRA before getting all wiped out. I thought werewolves are supposed to be some sort of super predators!?!?! Only Lee and Brown had guns- the werewolves are wiped out by three out-of-shape middle-aged guys with friggin’ knives!!! I mean gee friggin’ whiz in ‘Dog Soldiers’ three or so werewolves wipe out an entire squad of well-trained British infantry with automatic weapons! Hell, Ginger from ‘Ginger Snaps’, a teen-age schoolgirl werewolf with no combat experience would wipe out this crew!

    My second favorite part was the orgy scene. Lets stick cheesy looking fur all over the actors and have them roll around in a bed! I guess some Furries might have got turned on but I was laughing so hard I had to pause the movie. I mean THEY GOT PAID FOR THIS!?!?!! Lee may have been embarrassed but it couldn’t have been anything compared to Danning stripping nekked and having fur glued to her with cheap dime-store fangs and doing lame porn.

    I laughed, I cried, I bled from the eyes. What a movie, what a movie!!!

  • Eric Hinkle

    Vis-a-vis the “erotic” scene — I know several furries and they weren’t turned on by that scene either. Then again I usually try to associate with the saner end of most fandoms.

    I have to wonder what thoughts were going through the actors’ heads during that moment.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I watched “Rashomon” for the first time in quite a while. I mean, it’s a classic and certainly deserves that status, but at the end I was pretty sure the point was “Everyone is terrible and is only out for themselves.”

  • What happened to Ken? He hasn’t posted in more than two weeks.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    He mentioned that he had a number of events over the next few weeks, so posting would be sporadic at best.

  • The Rev.

    We had B-Fest weekend among other things. I imagine he’s catching up on his anime and defragging after so much social interaction.