Monster of the Day #3351

Looking for an Alien knock-off to watch this weekend. There’s the dystopian future serial killer/monster hybrid pic Split Second. Bonus, it stars Rutger Hauer.  If you want a Hauer double bill, Amazon Prime also currently has Blind Fury, the attempt to bring the Zatoichi the Blind Gambler movies to America. It was very spottily distributed, so you may not have seen it in a while, or even ever.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I saw this one reviewed somewhere on YouTube…maybe Brandon Tenold.

  • Gamera977

    Will have to check them out- thanks!

    It’s gotta be better than the fairly recent Alien rip-off with Bruce Willis. Don’t remember the name or much about it other than it was on Amazon Prime. It kept putting me to sleep.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Bruce Willis has unfortunately turned into the actor version of The Asylum.

  • The Rev.

    He has reviewed it, so that could be it.

    I have not seen either of those movies so maybe I should set up a double feature on Sunday.

  • Gamera977

    You ain’t kidding. Willis was pretty good but the rest of the movie was an excellent cure for

  • Gamera977

    BTW: If you’re looking for a good action movie on Amazon Prime ‘The Thieves’ is a fun Korean heist/caper film about a gang of Korean and Chinese burglars and their plan to ransack a ritzy Hong Kong casino. It’s a little long but there’s enough cool stunts and double-crosses it kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Is that Venom up there standing behind that guy?

  • Gamera977

    I might consider joining your dating service if you have any Alien Space Babes that bake donuts…

  • Eric Hinkle

    I must’ve missed something? This remark, all those ‘recent comments’ that seem to have vanished from the site…

  • Gamera977

    You don’t see it? My ‘Recent Comments’ column is still filled with ‘Danielle said Guys, we reaaally need more men on this dating s…’ Did it get deleted or didn’t post on your end?

    Looks like the spam-guard kept that garbage off the actual comment section thankfully.

  • Eric Hinkle

    By the way, since a lot of folks around here like bad zombie movies, have any of you ever seen ‘Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood’? The reviews online describe it as “worse than Zombie Lake”, the latter of which I seem to recall being described here as “the worst zombie movie ever.”

    It also apparently has a lengthy rant from Robin Hood that makes Karl Marx sound like a supporter of Ayn Rand in comparison.

    It sounds like something special.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I still see the “Danielle” remarks in my recent comments, but they don’t connect to anything.

  • Gamera977

    Sounds like it’s nearing ‘Alabama’s Ghost’ bad!

  • No, see, Alabama’s Ghost has something Zombie Lake doesn’t: Entertainment value. It doesn’t suck joy out of simple pleasures. It doesn’t make watching paint dry a thrilling prospect.

    Therefore, if the reviews are to be believed, Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood has to be a magnitude worse than Alabama’s Ghost that defies description. A sort of black hole of entertainment loss.

    Which shouldn’t make me want to watch it. And yet….

  • Ken_Begg

    i have to disagree. Zombie Lake, especially with a crowd (albeit ones who aren’t offput by all the nudity), is a blast.

  • That was probably my mistake, as I watched it completely by myself.

    EDITED TO ADD: If that comes across as curt, it wasn’t intended as such. Mind’s on other things this morning.

  • Gamera977

    I haven’t seen ‘Zombie Lake’ so I can’t comment on it. Worst zombie movie I’ve seen is ‘Nightmare City’ and it hurt, it hurt bad. If ‘Zombie Lake’ is much worse I’m not sure I have the tolerance for it.

  • The Rev.

    Just depends on what you like. I watched Zombie Lake alone and thought it was a hoot.

    Hard to pick the worst zombie movie I’ve seen because I’ve watched a lot of them. Oasis of the Zombies would be on the short list, as would Burial Ground. Dead Genesis was really awful; I honestly might pick it. And I’m sure there are cheap-jack ones I’ve completely forgotten about.

  • I’m just glad someone else hates “Nightmare City” as much as I do. Not just terrible, but horribly mean-spirited. Zombie Lake, on the other hand, is a blast. So inept that it comes out the other side to become entertainment. Woodian levels of ineptitude on display.