From the ‘I Wished I’d Said That’ Dept…

Jumbled ‘Eagle Eye’ shoots for Orwell, lands on ‘oh well’

Title of Michael Phillips review, Chicago Tribune.

  • JoeK

    Don’t you mean Michael Phillips review? He was the other critic with Roeper on “At The Movies”

  • Oops, that’s right. Willington doesn’t work for the Trib anymore. (I don’t read reviews because they blow too much.) Thanks for the catch, and corrected.

  • Petoht

    Wilmington, wasn’t it?

    And whatever happened to him? I actually liked his reviews. Didn’t always agree with him, but at least they were reasoned, and I could understand why he felt the way he did.

  • JoeK

    Sometime in 2007, Wilmington left the Tribune. Actually I don’t miss Wilmington. I like Phillips’ reviews & he had good chemistry with Roeper on the TV show. Eagle Eye made 29 mil anyway so I guess we have to put up with more of the Shia/Speilberg combo. Ugh!