Monster of the Day #3320

This is GalaxyJane’s dog cat (thanks, BC!) hanging out with what our elite demographic recognizes as a genuine celebrity. And yes, I am doxxing GJ’s dog for clicks. That’s how you make that big Internet money. These are clicks, right? I’m not really up on this social media stuff. My main question: Is that visible tag on her Ro-Man or on her dog?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    You know, I’d swear that’s a cat in that picture.

  • Ken_Begg

    Hmm good point. She called it a torti. Is that a cat or dog?

  • Cat. It’s short for “tortoiseshell”, which is one of the standard fur patterns for cats. My brain recalls something about there being only a dozen or so cat fur patterns, so it’s fairly easy to track cat populations in the wild.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Maybe GJ called her a dog because you wouldn’t post the picture if it was a cat?

  • bgbear_rnh

    For a minute there I thought it was an inside joke that only the jabootu elite were in the know about.

  • Ken_Begg

    I like cats, I just prefer dogs because they tend not to suddenly lunge and bite you after you’ve been petting them for 20 minutes.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Ken could pursue a career in illustrating vintage Halloween greeting cards.

  • Neither Moxie (above) or Mango (Oranj cat bad good!) would do that, they are both attention whores without a mean bone in their bodies and would just fuss if you stopped after only 20.

    But I did have a tuxedo female once who was notorious for flipping that switch in 3.6 milliseconds. She drew blood once or twice. OTOH she was also the best nursemaid cat I ever had whenever one of us was (too often!) recovering from surgery.

    As far as hanging out with Ro-Man goes, it’s common knowledge that all cats are out for either world domination or genocide (both?) so I think they are plotting together every afternoon.

  • You know that I’ll have to file a complaint with the blog overlords that you mis-speciesed my cat. Unless she identifies as a ferret, in which case she’s been double mis-speciesed. How many points does that get you on the intersectionality scale? What if she identifies as a male ferret? Huh?

    Also I have let her know that she is now InFamous (that’s “Internet Famous”, right?)

  • bgbear_rnh

    Maybe kitty could help explain that “must” “cannot” graph for me.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Our older cat was raised by ferrets. I do not think he decided he was a cat until he outlived his “parents” and really did not like any of the younger ferrets. Wicked step-siblings.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Cats like to feel that they are in control of their situation. So if they suddenly turn and bite after being petted, it’s probably because they feel control slipping away from them.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Moxie looks like a fine feline.

  • I must get belly scritches, yet I cannot show weakness by accepting belly scritches. Where on the graph do must and cannot meet? Mrrow!?!

    And yes, I know that for most cats the inviting belly is a trap, but two of mine genuinely love scritches. The third hates me and anything to do with me, and runs away if I walk into a room or make eye contact with her. I have no idea what she likes, although the other family members swear that she’s very nice.

  • I eventually figured out that mine just hated being petted further down her spine than mid back, as long as I stayed away from the hindquarter end, she was usually fine.

  • Thank you, she was runt of a litter of six and tiny compared to her siblings when we adopted her, but she’s grown up to be a fine healthy (little) alpha girl who takes absolutely no crap from her two much larger, older step-siblings.

    She’s also pretty darn bright by cat standards, which means she’s a pain in the ass.

  • Gamera977

    Ya know there’s an old Polish proverb: Dog, cat, they both will swipe your ham and cheese sandwich while you’re not looking. Only the goldfish can be truly trusted.

  • Ken_Begg

    This is exactly how Jane reacts to me whenever we’re both in the same room together, so now it’s starting to make sense.

  • Having spent some time in Poland, that sounds about right.

  • Jamie B.

    Said dog/cat thought it would be fun to try to climb to the top of the Christmas tree this morning!

    Silly kitty!