Monster of the Day #3309

Ah, we all fondly remember Zack Snyder’s Zombie Babies.

Actually, the Dawn of the Dead remake was pretty decent. However, I haven’t heard a lot of great things about that zombie heist movie he made for Netflix. So as usual, action / horror directors seem to get worse as they get older.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I’m not sure they get worse as they get older, but they probably get worse as they get more press. Suddenly they start believing their clippings about “themes” and “nuance” and they stop trying to tell a story…they just want more clippings.

  • That baby looks like he’s singing.

  • Ken_Begg

    I think it might be because they have bigger budgets, and care less, and as you say want to make it more important, or follow trends that they themselves might have created and now are stale, or…..

  • “Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal….”

  • Gamera977

    ‘I have my daddy’s nose.’

    ‘I ripped it right off his ugly face!!!’