Monster of the Day #3307

FoJ Kirk D (whose wife Patty is one of the great people you’ll ever meet, excepts she absolutely adores the Twilight series, books and movies) nominates this, noting “The animatronic baby they made for Twilight was too creepy to use in the movie.” Yeah, I’ll say. I imagine it’s even more disturbing watching it move. Footage of it is available at this YouTube video.

  • Gamera977

    YIKES!!! That’s probably the creepiest MotD I can remember!!!!

    Robert the Doll has nothing on that when it comes to sheer nightmare fuel!!!

  • Ken_Begg

    Imagine being the poor actors having to act opposte that thing.

  • casey01

    Yeah, that thing is squarely in the uncanny valley. It’s like someone shaved a pug’s face.

  • On seeing this I was going to make some joke about this being proof that practical effects don’t always beat CGI. Then I watched the video, saw the crime against the senses they went went for the movie, sighed, then went on with my day.

  • Ken_Begg

    Hey, Twilight offers it all, since it has horrible CGI too, as with the werewolves.

  • Gamera977

    Shaved pug is a perfect description!

  • What can’t the Twilight Series give us? Outside of believability, likable characters. vampires that don’t sparkle…