Monster of the Day #3303

OK, back to T-Fest. Yes, this is getting ludicrously late, I shouldn’t have basically taken Thanksgiving week off. Anyway, we left off on Sunday, having started the day with The Shrine. Sandy next showed the Bava film Hatchet for a Honeymoon. It’s a very weird film, in that it goes from a serial killer movie to a ghost movie about half way through. Then we moved on to our old friend Santo vs the Martians. I mean, you know, if you’re going to be invaded…

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I’m going to guess this was made in the early 1960’s.

  • Ken_Begg

    1967, actually. Mexican cinema at this time was generally five to ten years behind similar American product.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, if Earth is invaded I can’t complain if it’s a bevy of beautiful Latino women.

  • bgbear_rnh

    “Cat Fight on the Moon” must be made

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’m perfectly willing to be taken back to Mars by these ladies.

  • bgbear_rnh

    I would probably end up with Droppo’s sister.

  • Hatchet for a Honeymoon: I’ve of course heard of this film (it being Bava and all), but I swear I’d never heard of the ghost subplot the whole time. The movie would have been so much better if it had been all haunting and none of the Giallo stuff. Not that the Giallo stuff was bad, mind; you just knew where it was going. Not so with the ghost.

    Probably the best film I saw that weekend that didn’t have Jimmy Stewart in.

    Santo vs the Martians: Now this one I found disappointing. I suppose I was hoping for something more gonzo, but it’s basically Santo doing the same moves with different opponents over and over again until it’s time to end the film.

    What was I expecting? I dunno. Something more in line with Sammo Hung’s Spook Encounters, maybe, with Santo getting into odder fights than Standard Wrestling Match #892. I watched a lot of WWF on TV as a kid, and that action seemed far more lively than what happened in the movie.

    To give the movie props, though, the Santo seduction scene was hilarious.

    It did make me a little curious about the rest of the series. The premise always did have promise. Maybe one of the other flicks will hit me better.

  • Ken_Begg

    Santo and the Blue Demon vs the Monsters might be worth a shot. However, this one was pretty representative. Audiences really did want 20 minutes of wrestling in each movie.

  • I don’t mind the wrestling so much as it seems to be the same throws over and over and over again. But I can see why people might like it.