I’m assuming Friday or Saturday night would work best, as it would (for most of us) mean that work the next day wouldn’t be an issue. It also means we could start the movie a little later. As Beckoning Chasm notes, we have to coordinate a lot of time zones. There’s, what, a four hour difference between the East and West coasts? So a film we set for 9:00 in New York would start at 5:00 in Los Angeles. So Saturday, maybe? We’ll try to accommodate everyone as much as we can.
I guess the easiest way to start would be, sticking initially with the idea of either a Friday or Saturday, which day would work for you, and what starting times would work. Let’s assume we first pick a movie that lasts around 90 minutes at the outside.
Any time on Friday or Saturday works for me, just to get the ball rolling.