Anyone interested in an Amazon watch party?

Maybe this will die for a lack of interest, but would anyone like to do an Amazon watch party? Basically, someone would ‘host’ the party, send out emailed invitations, and the participants would watch a movie at the same time and communicate with each other via typed messages.

My computer is pretty old and ratty (well, not the one sitting on my floor for the last year because I’m too lazy to install it), so I probably would not want to do the hosting chores. So we would need a volunteer for that. However, Amazon Prime has a lot of schlock. If anyone would be interested, let me know below and we can see if we can’t get such a thing arranged.

I think Prime has free trial memberships for anyone who doesn’t have a Prime account.

This might be something no one is interested in, but I thought I’d run it up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I can’t commit, but it sounds interesting. I would be curious to see how this develops.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Jason here. I have Amazon Prime and am able to host. Sounds like a blast!

  • Ken_Begg

    Jason, thanks! Let’s wait for Monday and see what sort of response we get. I appreciate your offer. Really all we would need is to pick a film and a date. From there I think it’s just issuing the email invites and then just ‘meeting’ on the specified date. Amazon Prime has a lot of junk if anyone wants to look there and see what they’d like to nominate. You can rent a lot more but for a watch party every participant would have to rent it too, and I would certainly like to avoid asking people to shell out additional funds.

  • You know I’m in. Kast is an option moving forward as well, if there is enough interest.

  • Although, obviously I have Prime too.

  • Depending on date and times, I’ll have a go.

  • Ken_Begg

    Kast sounds interesting, although I’d be glad to let my more technically ept associates (i.e., everyone) hash the options out. I don’t have a webcam, though. I fear I stomped on mine when OnlyFans cancelled my streams.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Oh, I have Prime too, so that’s not an issue. How do we send messages during the party? I confess ignorance on the particulars. Edit: we’d have to coordinate time zones among the participants.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’ve never done that before, but I do have Prime and I think it’d be interesting to try.

  • Gamera977

    I like the idea, I’d like to give it a whirl. Might be an issue on getting a good time so everyone can make it. GJ and I are in EST, you’d have to have something that would work for PST and folks outside the US.

    I have a microphone around somewhere if you’d want to try something outside typing.

    Lots of good krappy movies on Prime. I believe the original ‘Casino Royale’ with Peter Sellers is still listed.

  • Ken_Begg

    I believe the film plays on the greater part of the screen, to the left, while on the right you have a scroll where the messages appear.

  • Ken_Begg

    Casino Royale is over two hours; we might want to be less ambitious with our first attempt. Sadly, Amazon seems to have dropped a lot of schlock recently. A lot of the weird movies (old monster movies, Shaw Brothers films, etc) are gone now. There is still plenty of pleasing junk, though.

  • Gamera977

    Makes sense!

  • The Rev.

    I’ve done a few of these with Facebook friends and it’s pretty fun. Anything I would’ve mentioned (everyone having to pay to rent, the movie taking most of the screen, the comment scrolling on the right) have already been said. We’ve watched (among other things) Ninja III: The Domination, Voyage of the Rock Aliens, The Lighthouse, and just a few days ago did Tombstone before it left Prime (two of them hadn’t seen it before!) I’d love to do this with the Jabootu crew.

  • Alejandor

    I would love to participate, although I know none of you. I’m probably in a bad timezone with a too full agenda so… Count me as interested bystander

  • Ken_Begg

    I hope it works out! We’d love to have you.

  • Ken_Begg

    Jason: Please email me your email address, to Just so we can get the ball rolling at some point. Thank you!!