Monster of the Day #3251

Man, I just can’t get enough of these. These covers are so gorgeous.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    That really is a great cover. The fact that you can see way into the eye sockets is a nice touch.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Someone is asking for a congressional investigation


    With a horrible spitting hiss the high-tension wires gave way in the grasp of the Skeletal Giant of Southern North Dakota. Thousands of volts pulsed through its bony frame, yet it felt none of it. The bus it had picked up and thrown down just a moment before exploded, blowing the nearby Bunny and Wally Tillinghast clear off of their feet.

    Satisfied that it had ruined that evening’s radio listening for hundreds of people, it made it’s spectral cry once more, “MRAROORA!”. Then it waded through the vast sea of gray buildings away from the capital. Every now and then it would pause to knock over the occasional office building that happened to offend its sense of aesthetics.

    “My God,” Wally cried out as he struggled to his feet. He took two disbelieving steps towards the still moving monstrosity. “That thing’s a menace!”

    “Kinda notice that, Wally, thanks fer sharin’.” Bunny wobbled a bit as she stood. “Thanks fer th’ hand up, too, by th’ by.”

    “The way it looked into those subway trains! The helpless travelers, screaming, bug-eyed…!”

    “Was there fer that, too. Ya seein’ my purse anywhere?” She spun around, her tattered dress whirling around her shapely legs. “Dang it, why this always has ta happen ta me on a Friday night I just don’t know…”

    “What are we going to do, Bunny?” The well known Tillinghast reserve kept Wally’s voice from quavering more than was proper in a situation like this. “What can anyone do against… That?!”

    “Well, fer starters we can hope Mr. D comes back real soon.”

    “Where’d that old spook run off to anyways?”

    “Said he hadda see a fella bout a dog.”

    Wally gaped a half of a half second then exclaimed, “A dog!”

    “That’s what I said! But Mr. D, when he gets a notion in his noggin’, he… Ah ha! There ya go!”

    Bunny darted to the other side of the street, where her purse laid out as neatly as if it had been set there. She swooped down to scoop it up, then, with it around her shoulder she made an all too practiced check to make sure everything else was in its proper place. The remains of her dress were a little more revealing that she liked it (which said something) but it would have to do. She gave a determined nod before saying to Wally, “Let’s go.”

    “Let’s go? Go where?”

    “After that big bully. We’re gonna buy Mr. D some time.”

    “What? How?”

    “I’m gonna hit it with my purse. Whyja think I was lookin’ fer it?”

    “Bunny, darling, sweetykins, I don’t think that thing will notice.”

    “Course it will.” Bunny hefted up her purse. “Got a brick in here.”

    She winked at Wally, then charged off after the Skeletal Giant.

    For a moment Wally just stood there, staring. He took a moment to take stock of the situation, of the insane events that had lead him here. It came to him that were he to turn around and walk away, no sane person would blame him. In fact, they might even praise his intelligence for a change.

    He sighed and shook his head. Taking only as long as it took to find his own weapon, Walling Tillinghast started charging after the daring damsel and the undead titan she was pursuing.

    Maybe they were all right. Maybe he really was dim after all.

  • “Tune in next week for the next episode of ‘Mysteries of the Prairie’, here on WOOF, Hoople’s number one radio station!”

  • Beckoning Chasm

    “Pull the string! Pull the string!”

  • NathanShumate

    Wait, Death still uses a landline?

  • Eric Hinkle

    This needs to be written down for sale, it really does.

  • Oh my God, I wrote it’s instead of its in the fragment above. I’ve corrected it, everything’s fine, but oh the shame. The shame.

  • Ken_Begg

    Its OK, man.

  • Marsden

    I agree!

  • My other shame is having to read this a dozen times before catching it.