My asshole drug dealer…

Stupid heroin dealer. Gets me hooked on some awesome product, and then he’s all like, “See ya, dude! Thanks for buying! I’ll have another dime bag for you in a year and change. Ta!”

Jerk…wait, did I say ‘heroin dealer’? I meant, ‘guys who make the Venture Bros. cartoons.’ Same thing, though.

Congrats on their prime achievement this year, though, which was to keep the show funny as hell while at the same time making it authentically creepy.

  • fish eye no miko

    24! Nooooo!!!

  • I have to say that the Season 3 ending was the best two-parter conclusion they’ve done. And they left open the possibility that LeTeour might not be dead! That guy was seriously awesome. But that’s true of all people wearing elephant vests.