Monster of the Day #3227

One thing I forgot about the recent T-Fest is that we watched one major ships vs giant monster scene from Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Serpent. Said serpent, as seen here, was based on a manta ray. Thus it joins that one really fun episode of Ultra Q, 1935’s Devil Monster, and Captain Nemo and the Underwater City.

  • Gamera977

    A manta ray is a cool choice. I just watched ‘Godzilla vs. Hedorah’ the other night. His flying form was sorta ‘manta rayish’ or maybe a flying cow patty- which I guess would fit him better.

    Also watched the Shaw Brothers ‘The Oily Maniac’ from 1976. Might be a pretty good MotD since we have a guy who with the help of an ancient Thai curse (?) turns into the Oily Maniac, a humanoid oil slick with glowing yellow eyes to get revenge on his foes.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    That’s pretty cool looking.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Owning and having read all the ‘Judge Dee’ novels by Robert van Gulik, basically police procedurals set in ancient China, I will never stop feeling weird when I see stuff like the above with Dee’s name attached.

    But it is one very cool monster!

  • Ken_Begg

    They make a lot of Judge Dee movies from what I can tell. I used to read those books too, so the really overstuffed fantasy films built around Dee seem strange to me also.

  • The Rev.

    This must’ve been on Tuesday since I missed it. That’s pretty nifty.