Monster of the Day #3216 / A Happy Day for Ken….

Man, I’ve been waiting for this forever. While not one of the four animes I’ve watched (out of hundreds, yes, I have no life) that I’d rate 10 out of 10, Overlord is one of my top five favorite anime. Anyway, word from supposedly reputable sources in Japan have confirmed that work has started on a four season for the show–although that can be a slow process–and also that there will be a movie.

Now, there have been previously “films” that we merely recap movies allowing people to catch up for the next new season. Although a full season of the show would only run maybe three and a half hours, so I don’t quite get the point. However, I’m hoping the insane success of the recent Demon Slayer anime film, the biggest box office hit in Japan ever, will coax other shows to try their bony hands at it. We’ll see.

No word yet on when the fourth season will air. I think all the show’s fans like to see it done right than done fast, though. I hope they keep the same studio working on it, rather obviously given that it’s one of my favorite shows. The one criticism I’ve heard is that the CGI elements, when used, can be jenky. This is true, but man, that’s way down on the list of things I care about. And the things I do care above, the show does spectacularly well, especially characterization and worldbuilding.

The first three seasons were on Hulu, but I think they only offer season one now. Maybe Netflix will grab it, it would be nice to have it available for a larger audience. You could definitely binge all three seasons in a week or two if you’re diligent, though, and there are trial codes for both Crunchyroll and Funimation out there, and both services stream it. I can’t imagine anyone here wouldn’t like the show–you can get a sense of it from the second season opening featured above–but I should note that it can get pretty dark at times (not nearly all the time, but when it does…). It’s no Bofuri, that’s for sure. Still, highest recommendation.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Glad to hear they’ll be making more seasons of an anime that you like. I may need to find a few to watch myself.

  • Ken_Begg

    They just officially confirmed that the movie will be an actual standalone film. So that’s really exciting. Of course we’re talking at least a couple of years down the road, since it will follow the fourth season which might not premiere until 2023 (if then). Great news, though.

  • Toby Clark

    I’m curious what those four 10/10s you mention are.
    I only have two myself, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

  • Ken_Begg

    I think I’ve said this before, but there’s something missing in me that doesn’t allow me to enjoy mecha stuff, no matter how good it is. That’s me, not the show. I’m not sure I really want to want a dark magical girl show because I’m a wimp (I watched Re:Creators, which wasn’t tremendous, but that element continues to haunt me a bit). Yet I have no problem with Overlord, although sometimes I feel like I should.

    My four perfect shows are Cowboy Bebop (I really really like that show, but don’t love it as much as the others listed here, it’s just impossible to argue that it isn’t a perfect realization of what they were going for.) The rest are 10/10s for the franchises; March Comes in Like a Lion (Netlfix), the entire Monogatari series (the only show on that list with ‘content’ issues; Funimation), which is what got me into anime, and of course K-On! (and K-On!!, and K-On! the Movie). I love the K-On! franchise as much as I love Godzilla, which is saying something. It’s on Netflix, but Hulu has better subtitles. The K-On! dubbed version is simply appalling.

    When rating shows on MAL I tried to go with objective quality in terms of rating things a 10. I unsurprisingly have a lot more 9s on my list, and those often do skew more towards the how much I love it thing Is Overlord objectively a 9? Arguably not, maybe even probably not, but you’ll never get me to move it even if it isn’t because I love that show. I will say that Demon Slayer is a very strong 9 objective, and worthy of all the love it’s gotten the last few years.