Monster of the Day #3213

This again is sitting around my house somewhere, unopened. It’s a very traditional Abomination from the Hulk comics. I never got the opposing Hulk figure; Bowen statues (this is about 18 inches tall, a pretty hefty size) sell out pretty quickly. On the other hand, they will never lose value and you can always sell them right away if need’s be. I have another of their statues–I’d probably have a bunch if I had the space and budget to procure them–and I’ll show that one tomorrow. Great work, though.

  • Acethepug

    I love the Bowen Marvel statues/figures. They made one of my personal favorites, the most obscure member of the original Alpha Flight — Marrina! That one I do have, even though Marvel never seemed to know what to do with her — marry her off to Namor, have her become a giant sea monster he has to kill, have her cloned so Namor could kill her AGAIN in Dark Reign, and then bring her back slightly rebooted in a new AF Mini (and never seen since)

    I still adore the Newfie sea-pixie :)

  • Gamera977

    Wow, eighteen inches? That must be pretty heavy.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Poor Marrina! I liked her too. The more I learn about what modern Marvel did to most of the characters I like, the happier I am I stopped reading them.

  • Ken_Begg

    Probably eight pounds, something like that? They are pretty solid.

  • Ken_Begg

    The only one I was disappointed in–sadly–was the nice tradition Luke Cage statue, with the yellow shirt, chain belt and tiara. Just what I wanted, but he’s just standing there with his arms crossed. Not very dynamic for a very dynamic character. Why not Luke’s pose from the first issue cover of the original comic book?