Monster of the Day #3209

This one is no surprise to poster vets, as Germany seems to call *any* monster Frankenstein. Ironically, of course, since Frankenstein isn’t even the name of a monster.  The craziness of the image indicates this is the Japanese poster with a new frame put around. It’s a nice frame, though.

  • Acethepug

    Man, people really want to blast Gigan in the junk! The Big G is targeting just above the area the maser-tank is blasting — making sure Gigan will never have babies :)

    Seriously, a gorgeous poster!

  • Gamera977

    No wonder Gigan is always in a bad mood…

  • Gamera977

    So is ‘Frankenstein’ a generic term in German for any monster? ;)

  • bgbear_rnh

    I thought it was Shicklegruber.

  • thunderclancat

    I wish I had continued my German in college, but the professor had us heading the German version of Cosmo magazine and I can’t stand that rag in English.

  • Now I wish Peter Cushing made a Godzilla movie….

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’m now imagining what kind of a Godzilla or other kaiju film you could have made with Cushing, Christopher Lee, and Toshiro Mifune as the human heroes.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I have an odd question here.

    According to rumor, the made for Amazon Prime ‘TV show’ The Second Age, which is based on Tolkien’s LoTR (it’s basically everything between the defeat of Morgoth and the downfall of Numenor), is already costing Amazon $465 million dollars.

    I recall Mr. Begg explaining some years ago that a movie has to make twice what it cost to produce to turn a profit. If that holds true for TV shows as well, how are they ever going to see a profit on this show?

  • zombiewhacker

    I guess the closest we ever got to Cushing in a kaiju film was At the Earth’s Core.

  • zombiewhacker

    Movies need to make back double their cost because
    studios split revenues with the exhibitors (assuming the corporation that owns the studio and thereby the film doesn’t own the movie theater chain as well).

    Since Amazon owns both the series in question and the means of exhibition I’m assuming there’s no “middle man” to split their take with, but I’m no expert here.

  • Ken_Begg

    Got to get that higher education.

  • Ken_Begg

    Obviously the viewership numbers and presumably increased subscriptions are the keys, but the streaming services don’t share that info, so it’s very vague now. I guess Amazon makes so much money from their store that they can probably cover any loses. The last time I saw, a couple of years ago, Netflix was 20 billion in debt, so actually you don’t always make that money back.

  • Gamera977

    I hope it’s good but I’ve heard they’re going for some ‘Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones’ type concept and frankly I just don’t like dark fantasy.

    Robert E. Howard and H.P. Lovecraft are about as dark as I’m willing to go.

  • Eric Hinkle

    To say nothing of the idea that Tolkien would be ‘improved’ by going all grimdork in the first place.

    Heck I’d read they were hiring a ‘sexuality/intimacy coach’ for the series, which sounds ominous for fans of Tolkien.

  • Ken_Begg

    Finally! Tolkien will be relevant.

  • Gamera977

    Best comment I saw on this is someone saying that Tolkien didn’t write dark fantasy since he lead a soft insulated life free from hardships.


    What the heck hardships did George R.R. Martin ever face, stubbing his toe walking to the mailbox? (Sorry don’t mean to bag on Martin but comparing what the two men went though is just silly to me).

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’ve heard similarly ignorant people jeering at the war scenes in Tolkien as compared to those in Cook’s ‘The Black Company’ because the latter are ‘real’ and the Tolkien ones ‘aren’t’. Never mind they both served and Tolkien at least saw combat.

    And with Martin, I don’t know about stubbing his toe but he apparently still brags about running off to Canada to escape the draft during Vietnam.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Indeed, he’ll be so relevant you won’t be able to recognize the final work as having anything to do with him!

  • Ken_Begg

    They’re not comparing him to Martin, who got near cancelled when he mispronounced some names at an awards ceremony. More that he had it super easier than Octavia Butler. Or one of the people who got their name mispronounced by GRR Martin at an awards ceremony.

  • Gamera977

    Sorry, not a big fantasy fan so I wasn’t aware of this. Just that people had claimed the Tolkien series would be more like ‘Game of Thrones’ so I went for Martin. Not picking on him or anything, though after the whole Sad Puppies debacle I can’t say I’m much of a fan of the guy.