Monster of the Day #3203

I always think it’s interesting to think of the way that of all the millions of media artifacts we’re exposed to over our lives–characters, scenes, even lines of dialog–certain things just lodge in the cultural memory. Yesterday we featured a fun garage kit of one of the many monsters featured on the Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea TV show, which is one of several Irwin Allen monster shows. However, the love for that certain beastie doesn’t stop there. Check this out. I’d love to have yesterday’s kit, and I’d love to have this hanging on my wall.

  • Gamera977

    Considering the aquatic theme I’d hang it in my bathroom.

  • Eric Hinkle

    This looks kind of Lovecraftian.

    Oh, and talking unspeakable horrors, some of you might want to take a gander at Amazon for the five book series ‘Lust of the Kobolds’. Yes, kobold erotica. Someone went there. More to the point, it’s apparently selling quite well.

  • Ken_Begg

    The best part of that description? “Five book series.” Hey, how many Gor books were sold?

  • There’s at least 36 books in the series according to Amazon. And yes, my life is so exciting and event filled I found it necessary to go out and look that up. In fairness to myself, though, it is my day off.

  • Gamera977

    Well, according to a couple of guys joking around on YouTube Amazon has categories for ‘Dino Porn’ and ‘Crypto Porn’ (apparently about women being ravished by Sasquatch).

    No I didn’t go check for myself, I’ll take their word for it.

    And the granddaddy of them all: Chuck Tingle’s ‘Space Raptor Butt Invasion’.

    Yes it’s real.

    No, I don’t want to know anymore about it. The title and cover are enough to convince me there isn’t enough brain bleach out there to remove any exposure to this classic work of literature for me.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’ve seen ‘warg porn’ and ‘werewolf porn’ on Amazon. Yes, wargs, as in those pony-size sapient wolves from Tolkien’s stories and Norse myth.

    As for Bigfoot porn, that’s been around a long time. Back in 1977 someone published Nights with Sasquatch, ‘An Explosive Ordeal of Rape and Revenge beyond any Woman’s Experience!’ I understand it’s pretty much what it sounds like.

    The cover has to be seen to be believed, and I’ve seen it going for almost a thousand dollars used on Amazon.

    I recall how years ago someone once told me we need sites like Amazon to function as literary gatekeepers. Because without them deciding what should and shouldn’t be sold, who knows what kind of crap would be reaching the ignorant masses?

  • Eric Hinkle

    While it’s not Gor, I’ve seen new editions of the John Jakes ‘Brak the Barbarian’ and the Richard Adams ‘Horseclans’ books for sale on Amazon. Nothing deep but hey they’re fun reads.

  • Oh, but you must know the most important detail about Mr. Tingle’s tome! It’s a Hugo Nominated work!

    I am not joking.

    This is the real world.

    Space Raptor Butt Invasion is the name of a Hugo nominated work.

    It was done as a malicious prank, but it happened.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, the whole Sad Puppies flap is where I first heard about ‘SRBI’. And that’s really all I want to know about it…

    As to ‘Nights with Sasquatch’, gee I had no friggin’ clue that kind of stuff went that far back. And again I really don’t want to know anymore about that.

    Now porn about the Flatwoods Monster I might be interested in, it was one really sexy monster… ;)