Monster of the Day #3199

One year I went to WonderFest, a convention down in Kentucky for model builders. I went with a model building friend from the library I used to work at. It wasn’t entirely my bag, but I did like the anniversary showing of Return of the Living Dead–shown on a stand-up screen in a hotel meeting room, like in the old days–featuring a reunion panel of much of the principal cast. And I did see a crap ton of really cool B-Movie and general monster models and toys. The one kit I had fondest memories of, though, was this one, of the Wolf Man leaping off the balcony in pursuit of Dracula. I wish I had a better picture, because it’s a spectacular sculpt. Anyway, back more to the B-movie side tomorrow.

Happy Hump Day!

  • kgb_san_diego

    No need to hurry back to B-Movies, Ken. These models have been awesome and, I would argue, still on brand. Go where your Muse takes you, sir!

  • Gamera977

    I’m really enjoying them too! I’d send some photos of stuff I’ve built but it’s all SF/Trek instead of monsters.

    You might want to search for ‘Godzilla model SD’ and you’ll get piles of photos of cartoon style (big heads etc) kaiju models of Godzilla, Gamera, Mecha-G, King Ghidorah, etc.

  • Eric Hinkle

    “It’s a skinny chicken!”