Monster of the Day #3172

As midnight approached we reached what has become the Plan 9 slot at B-Fest (way back in the day it was Creeping Terror, but the film print–yes, that long ago–was pulled from circulation). Plan 9 has obviously been worked pretty thoroughly over the years, so I put in The Brainiac instead. There were no complaints. Super fun movie. One oddity is the aftereffect of Verotika, wherein every woman in other movie who wasn’t completely naked or in fetish wear seemed sexier by comparison.

  • The Rev.

    Yes, even when you consider the uggos that Mexican horror and sci-fi films were jam-packed with.

    (I trust I don’t have to explain the joke here to this crowd.)

  • Gamera977

    I believe I saw it on Amazon Prime. If so I’m going to try to give it a watch this weekend or next week.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Just checked myself. Yep, it’s there. Putting it on my ‘watch this’ list.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Oh yes. Prime is also showing MIGHTY PEKING MAN for free. I remember some of you folks praising it. I may have to watch that one too.

  • It’s nice to see the Krampus could find work outside of the Christmas season.

  • Gamera977

    It’s interesting…

    I found as Ken pointed out in his review using the giant photo blow-ups as backdrops the funniest part of the movie. That and the Brianiac heads pulsing like a cheap rubber mask. Sometimes less is more, it would have looked better if they hadn’t used that effect at all.

  • Gamera977

    Oh BTW Amazon has ‘Cruel Jaws’ which Ken reviewed too. I watched it Sat. night. And yes it’s friggin’ horrible. Personally I was rooting for the entire cast to get eaten. Well except for Dag, he was rocking that male pattern baldness and long hair in the back look. I generally keep my half-bald head cut pretty short but one day I’m going to snap and go for the long hair and Fu Manchu mustache look.

  • Ken_Begg

    Amazon Prime is positively killing it with the B movies.