Monster of the Day #3170

Well, back to reality. Everyone is safely home from our DIY Fest (in lieu of an official B-Fest). Getting everyone there was far harder than it should have been. The two Chads are in Texas, Houston and Dallas respectively, and in a crazy turn of events it was the winter weather there that caused all the problems. Chad J, aka The Rev, only got in a full three days later than he was scheduled to, and Chad R was a day late. Oddly, though, they then arrived at nearly the exact same time, and hours before the Fest started, so all’s well that ends well.

We started things off with our old friend Prophecy, courtesy of Jamie. It’s a great crowd film, as everything meant to be scary is just hilarious, like the racoon attack which seems like it was directed by Tex Avery. A great start.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Welcome back!

  • Gamera977

    Glad to hear everyone made it there and back again safely!

    Guess I need to rewatch this one. Watched the Dan Curtis version of Frankenstein back on Halloween and Robert Foxworth was an interesting choice for the doctor. He was at least a little more restrained than in this movie.

    BTW: My films from Japanese Samurai DVD came yesterday. I watched ‘Ghost Cat Mansion’ last night and was really impressed by the quality of it. Guess I don’t expect to much from a DVD-R but this one had a menu, the aspect ratio was right, and other than a little trash the video quality was quite good. In any case way better than I expected from a 1958 movie. With just a little cleaning up the transfer could be pristine. I’ll be watching the rest of the films over the next few days and the weekend so I’ll see if they hold up as well.

  • I almost made a joke to the effect of “Oh look, they remade Godmonster of Indian Flats“, no doubt because something of the bear costume here reminded me of the giant sheep monster in GoIF. Then I thought, what if I inspire to actually remake GoIF? How could I live with myself if that happened?

    Well, pretty easy, actually, but still, for a brief moment goose pimples thought of forming.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Glad to hear that everyone got back okay.

    And while I find Prophecy silly now, for some reason when I first saw it on TV as a boy it scared the daylights out of me. A lot of those ‘killer animal’ movies did. Maybe it was because unlike supernatural monsters animals were all about me as a child, and my parents (born in rural PA in the late 1920s) had a multitude of horror stories about the local wildlife.

    Of course, in retrospect the only ‘wild animals’ I had to worry about were the ones I was confined with for 10 hours a day at school.

  • Best. Sleeping. Bag. Death. Ever.

    And yes, I will stand by that statement.

  • Ken_Begg

    Thanks for the review! Good to know.

  • Ken_Begg

    No doubt at all. Certainly the most hilarious. And there are more of those over the years than you’d think.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Yeah, Jason Vorhees had a couple.