Monster of the Day #3164

OK, this poster is making this movie look a LOT more epic than it really is. It’s a Charles Band film, after all. That said, I do rather like the Bloodstone films, or at least I did when I watched them back in the day.

  • Gamera977

    Love the poster. Saw the movie decades ago and thought it was so-so. Guess to be honest I’m just not that big a fan of vampire films in general so that doesn’t help.

  • Ken_Begg

    Honestly, I might like it better now. I’m kind of sick of how big all the movies are now, so a nice modest 90 minute flick is probably even better for me now.

  • Eric Hinkle

    If this matters — I just watched the old drive-in classic Legend of Boggy Creek on Amazon Prime and the redone film looks great. I was actually able to make out what was happening on the screen, among other things.

    But why did they feel a burning need to keep those two goofy songs in?

  • I remember being pretty indifferent to this one as an older teen, I think mostly because I was expecting a traditional vampire movie. I’d probably enjoy it a lot more now, given my affection for Band.

  • Ken_Begg

    It was the ’70s, maaaan. You had to be there.