Monster of the Day #3163

OK, so now we know what the Japanese version of Creature of the Black Lagoon would have looked like.

By which I mean, awesome.

  • Two thoughts:

    * Talk about movies that don’t live up to the promise of the poster. Though saying that does talk down Creature from the Black Lagoon, which is a great flick.

    * That remains one of the best looking monster suits of all time. The lady behind it did herself proud.

  • Rock Baker

    And he can even talk in the Japanese version, evidently!

  • Gamera977

    Reminds me of one of the guys in our modeling club who to replicate a scene in ‘Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea’ where the Seaview was attacked by some sort of ocean giant combined a figure of something, I think it was the Creature, with a much smaller Seaview kit.
    Not totally sure though, this was before I joined so I never saw it, and I’ve never seen the episode so this is all second-hand.