Monster of the Day #3162

I thought this might be a cheat, and that it didn’t really have a monster. I loved the poster, though, so I was going to post it anyway. I watched the trailer on YouTube, though, and found out it is a vampire film (good news) made by Andy Milligan.

Oh. Well, then.

Maybe you like Milligan, though (I have to say I find that hard to believe, but…), so be aware that Severin Films just announced a deluxe Andy Milligan box set. It’s a crazy ol’ world. Milligan, HG Lewis, Al Adamson, William Grefe. I’m putting money on Bill Rebane or Don Dohler being next. Or, maybe my dream since I was a kid will come true (seriously) and I’ll get that deluxe Larry Buchanan set I always wanted.

Have a great weekend, everyone. For those who are into that sort of thing, enjoy the Super Bowl, which does have a quarterback match up for the ages this time around.

  • Well aren’t people the real monsters once you stop and think about it?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Once I saw “filmed in…England” I knew it was Milligan. Yikes. Only saw one of his movies and that was plenty, thanks.

  • KeithB

    “The Monsters are due on Maple Street.”

  • Russ

    Ken, do you have a patreon account? I’m ready and willing to pay you for more reviews. Like I’ve said before, you’re my favorite author. How much money would make it worth it to do another review?

  • At first glance I thought Paul Naschy, maybe an alternate title for Count Dracula’s Great Love. I’m less enthused that it’s Milligan :D

    Speaking of Buchanan I finally got around to Zontar earlier this week. How had I missed that? We laughed so hard. Better yet, It was hosted by Count Gore deVol.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Talking vampires, has anyone else heard of Marvel’s latest brilliant idea? They intend to let ‘Eternals’ director Chloe Zhao to turn it into a sci-fi western.

    It sounds original, right?

  • Ken_Begg

    “It was Man.” The punch line to every episode of The Scary Door.

  • Ken_Begg

    That’s extraordinarily kind. I’ll see if I can rouse the energy (and shake off all the rust), although even if so it would not be for a minimum of about three weeks. We’re having people come in soon for a DIY B-Fest (the real one obviously not being held this year), and I will be spending all my time trying to make enough room–shift enough junk, really–for my guests. Then having the Fest. Then recovering from the Fest.

    Seriously, though, Russ, thanks for the offer. It’s very flattering.

  • Ken_Begg

    “I’m less enthused that it’s Milligan.” Winner of this year’s British Understatement Award.

    I’m sure I’ve told you this story (since I only have five stories and thus they are in heavy rotation). I was at a friend’s house for a party back in high school, which admittedly was about the only era I had enough friends (aka The Group) on hand to go to a party. Being me, I plunked myself down on her couch because Svengoolie was showing Zontar. About halfway through, two older brothers of some of the Group members sat down too. It was a scene with the soldiers on surveillance duty. They watched quizzically for a few minutes, and then finally one of them leaned over and asked, “What’s going on here?” I replied, “This is a comic relief scene.” They nodded and we went back to watching. A few minutes later the guy leaned in again and asked, clearly bewildered, “How can you tell?” “Listen to the music”, I answered. Said score, needless to say, consisted of Larry Buchanan Comedy Music, which is about as subtle as everything else. Hearing the blatting horns and slide whistles and such, they nodded wisely, “Got you,” he said. Being sane, they watched a few more minutes, and then beat a retreat. Needless to say, I stayed for the whole thing.

  • Ken_Begg

    Man, everyone wants a piece of that Cowboys vs Aliens money.

  • So, are you saying I’m not sane? I mean, it’s a fair cop. OTOH, I’m not sure that sane people have a chance in this world.

  • Arthur Petersen

    wahahahahaha. That is the best line I’ve heard all day.

  • Eric Hinkle

    D’oh! I meant to say, they intend to turn the Marvel Dracula into a Sci-Fi Western. Not the Eternals. Sorry about that!

  • Ken_Begg

    That’s not really any better. In fact, it might be worse.

  • Gamera977

    Would any of us count as totally sane??? I mean we gather here and talk about horrible films, is that normal behavior??

  • Oh, it’s worse than that. Some of us dwell on horrible films, thinking about them constantly, no matter where we are, incessantly thinking about every detail over and over again until finally something clicks and the motivation of Cathy’s Curse‘s antagonist finally makes sense to us and makes the movie seem slightly better and we screaming “AH GAWD NO NO WHY DID THAT HAVE TO HAPPEN TO US WHY GAWD WHY!” and the customer in front of us is saying in a panic “But I only wanted to know if you had sun dried tomato turkey” and we say “Why yes, ma’am, how much do you want OH GAWD NOW I WANNA BUY THE BLU RAY WILL THE SHAME NEVER END?” and our boss finally has to let us go, not for causing a scene, of course, but because we actually watched Cathy’s Curse, and even Wal*mart has some standards, apparently.

    At least that’s what I heard.

    Not that I’d know.


  • Gamera977

    ‘I cannot, yet I must. How do you calculate that?! At what point on the graph do ‘must’ and ‘cannot’ meet? Yet I must! But I cannot!’

  • Killer Meteor

    The marvellous biography of Milligan, THE GHASTLY ONE, is a fascinating and moving read…and so heavy it broke my bookshelf!

  • I’m not going to say daily, because I’ve shamed myself for one day, but from the moment I found out it was on blu ray I’ve often had a mental argument much like this. That the Blu Ray has a director’s commentary makes it that much harder to resist.

    I have good movies I own. Good movies I can buy. I don’t need this one.

    And yet…