Monster of the Day #3156

I know it probably seems like I natter on about my anime addition endlessly, but actually for my part I’ve really tried to tread lightly on that subject. However, Netflix just added the superlative Demon Slayer series to it’s roster. (C’mon, you can’t watch Cuties all the time.)  It’s also on Hulu, so I imagine several of you would have access to it. Demon Slayer is great, and is a phenomenon. Japan sold Demon Slayer manga last year in numbers greater than the entire comic book unit sales in the US. Meanwhile, the Demon Slayer movie came out and in just Japan had ticket sales of quite nearly $350,000,000, in these Covid times. Not Avengers Endgame money, but then I’m sure the movie cost less than $20 million, given that the fantastic Shin Godzilla (believe it or not) cost only $16 million to make. Anyway, Demon Slayer is about a young man whose extremely adorable sister is attacked and infested by a demon, turning into one herself. The series (the manga recently ended) follows his training to become a demon slayer while at the same time seeking a cure for his sister. It’s really good. OK, I’ll try to lay off anime for another year or so. But also watch Overlord if you have Hulu.

  • kgb_san_diego

    This is one of my son’s favorite anime, and I keep meaning to give it a whirl.

    And don’t worry about nattering on about anime — Bofuri was the best recommendation I have gotten in the last 3 years or so. Thanks!

  • Gamera977

    I’ve got to give some anime a try sometime.

    And I’m not in the least surprised it sold more manga than all the comic book sales in the US.

  • The Rev.

    Obviously I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me, if Ken recommends an anime, I check it out. So far he’s introduced me to Attack on Titan (which I enjoyed more than he did, actually), Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Konosuba, Bofuri, and the absolutely superlative Overlord (which I recommend to everyone wholeheartedly), along with a couple whose titles I’m blanking on. In fact, the only anime I’ve watched in the past few years he didn’t get me into was One-Punch Man, but only because I found that before he could recommend it. I was already interested in this one due to its astonishing popularity, but Ken giving it the thumbs up just seals the deal. Hell, maybe he’ll be willing to rewatch a few next month…

  • Konosuba is gold. I’m watching the series and reading the light novels because I’m just that way.

  • Ken_Begg

    Oh, man. Thank you, that makes me so happy. I *love* Bofuri. It’s the only series (other than Overlord) where I wanted to read the light novels to figure better how the game in the show is supposed to work. Sadly, neither the novels nor the subsequent manga had been adapted into English…until March, when a translated copy of the the first light is being released. I already ordered mine, although I wish it was in hardcover like the Otherlord books.

  • Ken_Begg

    I would be glad to. We’ve got to set up a schedule of what you’d like to see before you come to town. I’ll email you later this week.

  • Ken_Begg

    As noted above, I’ve only dipped toes into light novels, but I’m sure the Konosuba ones are great. I saw the movie when it was in theaters and it was quite fun. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to see the Demon Slayer movie that way too. Considering how much money it made in Japan, I imagine it will wend it’s way here at some point.

  • Ken_Begg

    Ha, yes, actually, that’s no longer really that impressive a claim, although it includes graphic novel sales as well.

    Netflix’s upcoming Godzilla Singularity anime might be a good starter. And I really would give Demon Slayer an episode or two. If you do, please let me know what you thought.

  • The anime does a great job of translating the first two Konosuba novels (which is about as far as I’ve gotten so far). I think if anything the series is funnier than the books, but that’s me. Really looking forward to next season.

  • Rock Baker

    “C’mon, you can’t watch Cuties all the time.”

    I’m going to accept that as a plug for my cartoons. Gotta grab whatever press you can, you know.

  • Nathan Neff

    Whos the cutest little man eating demon ever?

  • Eric Hinkle

    Yeah, American comics have really killed their own market between subject matter and pricing, haven’t they? Dark Horse are just about the only ones I but any more and that’s for Mignola and Sakai.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Talking anime recommendations, if you don’t mind animal people/anthropomorphics done seriously, I can recommend at least the first seasons of Beastars and Brand New Animal.

  • kgb_san_diego

    I actually have an active subscription to CrunchyRoll — yes, I am THAT guy — so I will give it a shot! :-)

    Oh, and while the game elements of Bofuri were a plus, the main attraction was Maple herself. My whole family just loves her.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Thanks for that — I have been eyeing Beastars…

  • Ken_Begg

    Maple is absolutely adorable. (Hey, I’m almost 60, and I’ll use the word adorable if I want.) Ascendance is less comedic, and the main character is far less goofy, but she’s great too.

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, like the major studios have been slowly killing off theaters (and that’s really sped up in the Corona year), comic book publishers, especially the big two, have been doing the same for comic book stores. I really think manga will take over the market especially for young kids because the stories are just so much better. I have to admit, I kind of dig the idea of youngsters appreciating a black and white art form.

  • Ken_Begg


  • Ken_Begg

    I have watched a lot of anime now, and I will say that Japan does adorable little sister characters like nobody’s business. (I’m talking the ones that don’t have, er, crushes on their older brothers.) And believe me, the sister in this show is adorable.

  • Ken_Begg

    Brand New Animal…I have to admit, I don’t particularly like Studio Trigger’s art style. I get why people do, but it doesn’t do much for me. I’ve only heard great things about Beastars and it’s definitely on my list.

  • Blake Matthews

    Ken, you’ve done so many Monster of the Day posts that I don’t recall if I’ve ever heard you opine on them, but did you watch the Godzilla anime trilogy? If so, what did you think of them?

  • Ken_Begg

    Also, you think you’re THAT guy? I have a subscription to CrunchyRoll (while it exists), Funamation AND HiDive. Also I pretty much just watch anime on Netflix and Hulu.

  • Ken_Begg

    I didn’t think much of them, and I don’t think I was alone in that. (Although for those that did like them, more power to you.) So I think I watched a good piece of the first one, but only snatches of the second and third. I’m hoping their new Godzilla anime is significantly better.