Monster of the Day #3142

Charles Band was not only the Roger Corman of the ’80s, but the mirror image of Bert I Gordon as well. Whereas Mr. BIG was known for featuring giants and giant monsters in most of his films, Band made a lot of hay out of miniature characters. Easily the most popular series Full Moon had was the Puppet Masters series. However, they also had several films featuring Demonic Toys, and and mini-superhero Dollman (played by fan fave Tim Thomerson). Full Moon was also one of the first entertainment entities to do an expanded movie universe, as the Demonic Toys–I couldn’t find a good group shot, sadly–fought in separate films against both the evil Puppets and Dollman (there they kidnapped Dollman’s equally doll-sized girlfriend, as played by ’80s mainstay Tracy Scroggins). Fun.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Didn’t he also do a movie with al the classic Universal monsters, but played by midgets?

  • bgbear_rnh

    No relation.

  • Gamera977

    I can understand how much you must have been annoyed going from the star of ‘Grizzly’ to being part of a ensemble cast of a Charles Band movie. But you’re still a big star to us Bgbear!

  • The Rev.

    I think that’s The Creeps.

  • The Rev.

    Minor correction: Scoggins was in Dollman vs. Demonic Toys, but reprised her role as the cop from the original Demonic Toys…just so they could kill her off fairly quickly, which immediately turned me against the movie (well, that and Baby Oopsy-Daisy’s even more annoying new voice). The girlfriend was played by Melissa Behr, reprising her role from Bad Channels. (Yes, there was actually a Full Moon cinematic universe.)

    On a related note: ever since seeing Krampus, I have dreamed of seeing those folks remake Demonic Toys. Tell me it wouldn’t be great…or at the very least better than the original.

  • Ken_Begg

    Thanks for the correction! Scroggins might have gotten a better gig and could only give them a small filming window. I always liked Helen Hunt for bothering to shoot a farewell scene in one of the Trancers sequels after she landed Mad About You. It was nice that she didn’t forget where she came from.

    I like your Demonic Toys remake idea. I also like the makers of Krampus for not beating a successful film to death by making sequels for it every year.

  • The Rev.

    It’s possible she had other commitments, but it felt like they wanted to get her out of the way to focus on Dollman. Which isn’t all bad ’cause Tim Thomerson, but I liked Scoggins in the original and it just felt wrong to knock her off so quickly. I’d rather they’d just not included her if they were gonna do that.

    Yeah, you know it would only have had diminishing returns if they’d kept going back to it. The movie is a self-contained story that only needs to be told once, not retold with slight variations.

    During my viewing, I wondered if there wasn’t a bit of inspiration from DT. I’m not saying all killer teddy bears are ripped from DT, but the Krampus one really looks like an upgraded version of Grizzly Teddy. And the harlequin snake thing is basically Jack Attack on steroids. Regardless, I would love to seem them give a remake a go.