Monster of the Day #3144

Coincidentally, I got an email from Amok Time toys that featured…this. Needless to say, I had to post it. If anyone actually wants one, they are check out the Amok Time website. What a world. (There’s also a glow in the dark one on Amazon, but it’s like $70.)

  • That site has a ton of Godzilla type stuff on it. More importantly, on the main page, they list a Green Slime action figure. I’m talking movie Green Slime, mind you.

    My wallet’s been screaming nonstop since I hit that site…

  • I’d rather have a life-size Lisa…..but that’s just me……

  • Ken_Begg

    I think Real Doll can help you with that.

  • thunderclancat

    What a time to be alive.