Monster of the Day #3126

By Monday we were down to Sandy, me and Chad R and Chad (the Rev). We started the day with German/Italian Screams in the Night, basically a hybrid krimi/giallo that kept threatening to cross over into the supernatural. It was OK, but honestly I had to look up the title off of Chad R’s list of what we watched, so it obviously didn’t stick with me much.

Sandy loves the series Combat, and certainly nobody else dislikes it, so we watched the episode The Gun, which was pretty good stuff.

Chad R brought New Orleans Uncensored, which wasn’t all that uncensored, and was basically a crime flick about corruption on the new Orleans docks. The weird element is that it featured all these local real life politic poohbahs all stiltedly orating about how hard they fight to keep the docks corruption free. In New Orleans. Right.

Our first monster of the day appeared when I finally inflicted an anime on the few remaining attendees. Even Sandy put up with him, so thanks to him for that.

Bofuri: I Don’t Want to Get Hurt So I’ll Max Out my Defense, is a very funny series about an airheaded young lady who keeps managing to break a pretty poorly designed (that’s part of the gag) VRMMORG. In doing so she manages to Clouseau her way into accumulating insane powers. I have a quite appalling taste for adorable stuff, and this falls firmly into that. It’s on Hulu if anyone wants to give it a look. I’d say watched the first episode and then the first half of the second (the battle royale) and by that point you’ll know if the show is for you or not.

  • Chad R.

    You forgot the most interesting thing about New Orleans Uncensored; it’s a William Castle movie!

  • Another “Combat!” fan here! One would think that, on the face of it, a series about an Army platoon in Europe during WWII would be an exercise in gung-ho USA pro-war jingoism – but it’s most definitely not.

  • I love how long anime titles are getting.

  • Rock Baker

    I know this is off topic, but can anyone give me some advice? I created a series of “cartoons” for YouTube which I’m now trying to get into an official DVD release. Were do I go with the project? How does one find a DVD distributor? (And we know for a fact that they’ll put ANYTHING on DVD….)

  • Speaking of Anime, the new Godzilla anime series has a teaser out. This? This is what the anime movies should have been.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Has anyone else heard how Amazon is apparently going to be putting sex scenes into their adaptation of Tolkien’s work? Because it seems that no one can be expected to watch the show otherwise and ‘it needs to be more like Game of Thrones, the greatest epic fantasy ever’.

    Though given that Hollywood decided that adaptations of Lovecraft stories needed sex scenes, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.

  • Ken_Begg

    It’s the ones adapted from ‘light novels.’ There are a million series out there fighting for attention, so they tend to sum up the entire premise in the series title, hoping to get people to pick the first book up.

  • Gamera977

    No idea but good luck. I watched a few of the cartoons and really need to get around to the rest of them.

  • Gamera977

    Oh yuck! Although Lovecraft with sex scenes worries me more. I don’t EVEN want to go near anything about the conception of Wilber Whatley and his brother…

    The whole attempt to diversify ‘TLoTR’ bothers me more. I mean I suppose it’s possible that some Southrons, Easterlings, etc came over to the good guys side but it seems like sticking good Japanese and Germans in a Second World War movie to prove you’re not racist.

  • Rock Baker

    Thank you for checking them out. If none other are viewed, I would suggest THE FAMILY WAY. I believe that to be our best short.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Well, Tolkien himself wanted to show that Sauron’s servants weren’t ‘pure evil’, at least not the Orcs and Men. It’s more how they handle it. If it gets treated as an excuse to stick in lectures about this or that social evil, then forget it.

    And being German-American myself, decent Germans in a WW2 movie don’t bug me half as much as the way, say, Marvel Comics argued that all Germans were Nazis since forever. They even once did 18th century Hessians as Nazis — heck, as the Red Skull!

    As far as sex scenes (or something strongly hinted to be such), there’s the scene Stuart Gordon stuck in Dagon, his take on ‘Shadow over Innsmouth’ where the ‘hero’ finds his girlfriend after Cthulhu apparently had his way with her. Gross and disturbing, but then it was supposed to be. Pity no one seems to recall that the original story had female Deep Ones using human males that way. It was HPL’s horror-story version of the mermaid legend.

    And I seem to recall that around here some years ago folks were discussing a very nasty scene in a movie version of ‘The Lurking Fear’ that seemed quite gratuitous.

  • The Rev.

    This was another win for Ken. Apparently his taste in anime is very sympatico with mine since I’ve enjoyed everything he’s shown me so far. It was cute and funny on its own. If you’re an avid gamer you’ll probably pick up additional bits (for example, some of the game’s mechanics are very reminiscent of the “Monster Hunter” series, which tickled me).

  • kgb_san_diego

    Can confirm. I just got Hulu, and watched the first few episodes, and yup, it is utterly adorable.

  • The Rev.

    I just watched the trailer for that Godzilla anime. The fact that Jet Jaguar, Biollante, and freakin’ GABARA all appear to be in that is wild…but with those reveals, it left me with the perennial question, “Where’s Titanosaurus?” And then on a hunch I went back to that scene with a monster breaching over a battleship…


    (I know, it might not be him. And honestly the others appearing is enough reason for me to check it out. That would just be the cherry on top.)