Monster of the Day #3113

El Santo has boring days, too. On Tuesday he just sat around the house, ran errands, and fought a gorilla.

Uh, at least I hope they’re fighting.

  • Gamera977

    Oh yeah!!! Finally we get some wrestling action!!!

    Put him in the headlock El Santo! Go El Santo!!!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I think Santo’s trying to teach him ballroom dancing.

  • I gather there have been movies where El Santo was shown doing boring household things like grocery shopping – in full mask, too.

  • Rock Baker

    I don’t remember seeing Santo carrying around a knife as standard equipment before. He’s usually a bare hands guy. Granted, he’s not actually using the knife…

  • Eric Hinkle

    He’s used weapons before. In one of his films Santo used a Tommy gun to kill the monsters.

  • Ken_Begg

    Those are my favorite scenes! Bare-chested and caped El Santo lounging on his bed reading a book, or sitting at his desk and making a phone call. That’s great stuff. Later he went for leisure wear and cardigans, though.

  • Gamera977

    He probably used it to peel the apple he had for lunch.

  • Rock Baker

    Yeah, but I don’t remember ever seeing him carrying around such a weapon as regular equipment.

  • bgbear_rnh

    it is the way Mike Hammer would have done it.