Monster of the Day #3090

Amazon Prime right now has an eye-poppingly good transfer of Caltiki the Immortal Monster right now. I think it’s sourced from the Arrow Video Blu Ray, which has a ton of extras, including a commentary by lead Bava scholar Tim Lucas  (and a second, DVD copy) if you like the movie enough to invest in it. But the print is quite gorgeous and currently available for free if you have Prime. Or you could rent it for three or four bucks. Warning to Rock, though: I didn’t see an English dub track being available, just the Italian version with English subtitles. Many of us prefer that, though, so it wouldn’t be an impediment for them.

  • Rock Baker

    It’s indicative of a sad trend I’ve noticed over the last couple of years. Old monster movies used to be beloved by “the masses” and therefore disdained by the critics. The wannabe intellectuals are now hijacking the genre to the exclusion of us regular Joes.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I saw this on DVD at a friend’s house a few years ago. Man it was one grisly film! Especially for a ‘Blob’ movie. Other such films are content to imply what happens to the Blob’s victims after they get slurped down. This one shows you.

  • This was such a great little flick.

  • Ken_Begg

    I don’t think that’s it. A lot of us really want to hear the original performances than to be removed from the film (or TV show or especially anime) by having other actors talking over the original actors. I can’t even imagine watching, say, M and having another actor speaking over Peter Lorre’s legendary performance. I think we can look at sub vs dub as a personal preference without one side denigrating the other.

  • This is a personal favorite; I saw it as a child and the gory scenes made quite an impression. I love that Amazon has the Italian language version, which is so much better than the dubbed edition.