Monster of the Day #3068

Speaking of old school obscurities on Amazon Prime, they have The Ghoul. This never played on TV in Chicagoland when I was a kid, despite starring Boris Karloff. (Remember when Karloff and Lugosi were all over the airwaves? Remember airwaves?) That’s probably because it was a British independent film and not made available in any package of titles to local stations. Anyway, you can watch it now.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

  • Dorothy P Cobb

    I’ve seen this. I remember it being kind of dull except for the scenes with Karloff.

  • zombiewhacker

    Who’s the victim there? It looks a little like Ernest Thesiger.

  • Gamera977

    ‘This is what you get for eating my last orange Dreamsicle ya punk!!!’

  • I enjoyed this one, but the ending is kinda crap. Karloff is wasted, but tis a rare flick where that isn’t true…

  • That’s because it is Thesiger.

  • Gamera977

    I watched this last night, and it almost put me to sleep. I remember a lot of skulking, skulking in the bushes, skulking in the woods, skulking in dark alleys, and skulking in dark houses. If you like skulking this is the movie for you!
    And the main character (I hesitate to call him a hero) being a rude obnoxious jerk. The lady chasing the poor Egyptian guy was almost as annoying. I was hoping by the end that the Egyptian guy would whack the whole cast and take the friggin’ jewel back to Egypt where it belonged.