Monster of the Day #3028

I know what you’re thinking. But they didn’t even have CGI back then. How did they do it?

OK, it’s no Gorilla at Large (that movie is great), but if you only watch one movie where Raymond Burr might be turning into a gorilla, make it Bride of the Gorilla. Available for free watching on the Cult Cinema Classics channel on YouTube.

Be safe, everyone!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    “Movie magic!” is the only possible explanation.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Wouldn’t you love to see Raymond and the gorilla do the whole mirror gag from “Duck Soup”?

  • Gamera977

    Worst men’s grooming ad ever!!!

    CGI? Composite Gorilla Image?

  • Rock Baker

    “Hi, guy.”

  • Eric Hinkle

    That ape suit looks a lot like the ones that used to show up with the Three Stooges and the Bowery Boys.

  • Ken_Begg
