Monster of the Day #2092

This pretty much sums up the concept of uninspired. It’s competent, but there’s a generic knock-off barbarian (Marvel had the Conan license, but I’m sure would have preferred to own a character like him if he could be made similarly popular–which obviously didn’t happen). A generic monster. (The “Man-Monster”? Really? That’s fresh.) I mean, you know, twenty cents. Hardly an essential buy, though.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Yeah, this is the sort of thing I would have passed on when I was reading comics. Not bad, but not even making me mildly curious.

  • Gamera977

    Lol, looking on my phone at breakfast I was thinking Umber Hulk… too much D&D in my formative years. Now on a bigger screen the ‘green’ hulk (no not THAT green Hulk) looks a bit different.

  • I just giggle every time I see the name *Thong*-or. Because I’m mature like that.

  • Ericb

    Gorn porn

  • Eric Hinkle

    It gets worse when you read the original paperback novels by Lin Carter, where he had a tendency (not as bad as some other writers,mind) to go on rants about whatever subject was bugging him at the time. You needed to be a MUCH better writer than Carter to make a lecture about the evil of religion or what have you work while telling an entertaining story. And I say this as someone who likes his work; he had a great ‘pulpish’ sensibility when he was just telling a story.

  • Yeah, most people who aren’t named Robert Heinlein can’t get away with that stuff.

  • Marsden

    Nobody puts baby in a corner!

  • Rodford Smith

    Quick! Hide the _Giant-Size Man Thing_! :-)

  • maggiesmith

    Oh come on, Thongor ! Whack that thing over the head with that iron lamp stand you are clutching. That’s Monster Fighting 101 !